Tuesday 27 October 2015

к источнику радости... не утешению, а удовлетворению .. в том, чтобы быть

Объяснения, объяснения… умные утешения… места, где спрятаться… Жизни надо смотреть в лицо. Она груба, в ней много боли, но боли надо смотреть в лицо. Есть несчастье, и его надо встретить, его надо пройти без всяких объяснений, без всяких утешений. Если вы сумеете прожить жизнь, не теоретизируя о ней, а прямо, непосредственно, с мгновенной реакцией, мгновение за мгновением, — однажды вы придёте к источнику радости, — не утешению, а удовлетворению. А какая разница? Удовлетворение — позитивное состояние вашего существа, утешение — только негативное. У меня — один глаз, у других — ни одного, — и я утешен. Я несчастен, другие ещё несчастнее, — и я утешен. Я молод, другие стары, — и я утешен. Я стар, другие умерли молодыми, — и я утешен.
Утешения, утешения, и все до одного пустые.

Конфуций строит философию на утешении, Ли-цзы — на удовлетворении и разницу надо запомнить. Удовлетворение приходит только тогда, когда вы не сравниваете, когда вы просто в себе, полностью в себе, укоренились, нашли центр. А будучи в себе, вы вдруг понимаете, что все — ваше и вы — от целого, вы не отдельны, "я" исчезло, вы стали Вселенной. Это мгновение великого удовлетворения, великого благословения, но это благословение, удовлетворение не проходит через рационализацию, оно проходит через реализацию — в этом вся разница.

Утешение — это рационализация, удовлетворение — это реализация. Итак, есть три состояния сознания. Неудовлетворение — состояние сравнения, сравнения с теми, у кого больше, чем у вас, — отсюда неудовлетворённость. У кого-то отличная машина, а вы ходите пешком, отсюда неудовлетворённость. Второе состояние — утешение: вы пешеход и встречаете безногого нищего, — сравнение с тем, у кого меньше, чем у вас, все равно — сравнение.
Неудовлетворение — одна сторона монеты. Утешение — другая. Монета называется «сравнение». Когда вы вовсе забрасываете монету — утешение и неудовлетворение вместе — тогда вы вдруг оказываетесь в состоянии несравнивания — это настоящая удовлетворённость. Тогда вы не сравниваете, у кого больше, у кого меньше. Дело не в том, чтобы иметь, а в том, чтобы быть.
«Иметь» никогда не поможет.

Monday 26 October 2015

The Innate Truth

The Innate Truth


The tantra attitude is the very being of Tilopa. You must understand first what the tantra attitude is,
only then it will be possible for you to comprehend what Tilopa is trying to say. So something about
the tantra attitude – the first thing: it is not an attitude, because tantra looks at life with a total vision.
It has no attitude to look at life. It has no concepts, it is not a philosophy. It is not even a religion, it
has no theology. It doesn’t believe in words, theories, doctrines. It wants to look at life without any
philosophy, without any theory, without any theology. It wants to look at life as it is, without bringing
any mind in between – because that will be the distortion. The mind then will project, the mind then
will mix – and then you will not be able to know that which is.

Tantra avoids mind and encounters life face to face, neither thinking, ”This is good,” nor thinking,
”This is bad”: simply facing that which is. So it is difficult to say that this is an attitude – in fact it is a
The second thing to remember, that tantra is a great yea-sayer; it says yes to everything. It has
nothing like ”no” in its vocabulary, there is no negation. It never says no to anything, because with
no the fight starts, with no you become the ego. The moment you say no to anything, you have
become the ego already; a conflict has come in, now you are at war.
Tantra loves, and loves unconditionally. It never says no to anything whatsoever, because everything
is part of the whole, and everything has its own place in the whole, and the whole cannot exist without
anything missing from it.
It is said that even if a drop of water is missing, the whole existence will thirst. You pluck a flower in
the garden, and you have plucked something out of the whole existence. You harm a flower, and you
have harmed millions of stars – because everything is interrelated. The whole exists as a whole, as
an organic whole. The whole exists not as a mechanical thing – everything is related to everything
So tantra says yes unconditionally. There has never been any other vision of life which says yes
without any conditions – simply yes. No disappears; from your very being no disappears. When
there is no NO, how can you fight? How can you be at war? You simply float. You simply merge
and melt. You become one. The boundaries are there no more. No creates the boundary. No IS the
boundary around you. Whenever you say no, watch – immediately something closes in. Whenever
you say yes, your being opens.
The real atheist is one who goes on saying no to life; his saying no to God is just symbolic. You
may be believing in God, but if you say no to anything, your belief is not of any worth, your God is
hocus-pocus – because only a total yes creates a real God, reveals the real God. When you say
total yes to existence, the whole existence suddenly is transformed; then there are no more rocks,
no more trees, no more persons, rivers, mountains – suddenly everything has become one, and that
oneness is God.
A real theist is one who says yes to everything, not only to God... because mind is very cunning.
You can say yes to God and no to the world. This has happened. Millions have lost their whole life
because of this. They say yes to God and they say no to life. In fact, they think that unless you
say no to life, how can you say yes to God? They create a division: they deny the world in order to
accept God. But an acceptance that stands on a denial is no acceptance at all. It is false. It is a
How can you accept the creator without accepting the creation? If you say no to the creation, how
can you say yes to the creator? They are one. The creator and the creation are not two things:
the creator is the creation. In fact there is no division between the creator and the creation, it is a
continuous process of creativity. On one pole the creativity looks like the creator; on another pole
the creativity looks like the creation – but they are both the poles of the same phenomenon.
Tantra says that if you say yes, you say simply yes; you don’t posit against some no. But all the
religions have done that: they say no to the world and yes to God; and they say no to the world
forcibly, so that their yes can become stronger. Many so-called saints have said, ”God, we accept
you, but we don’t accept your world.” But what type of acceptance is this? Is this acceptance? You
are choosing. You are dissecting the existence into two. You are putting yourself above God. You
say, ”This we accept and that we deny.” All renunciation comes out of this.
One who renounces is not a religious person. In the view of tantra, one who renounces is an egoist.
First he was accumulating things of the world, but his attention was on the world. Now he renounces,
but his attention is again on the world and he remains the egoist. The ego has subtle ways of fulfilling
itself and coming again and again, in spirals. Again and again it comes back – with a new face, with
new colors.
It happened: I was staying in my village and Mulla Nasruddin came to visit me. He, in those days,
used to live in New Delhi, the capital, and he was so full of the capital that he was almost blind. I
took him to the small fort of my village; he said, ”What! You call this a fort? You should come to New
Delhi and see the Red Fort. This is nothing!” I took him to the river, and he says, ”What! You call
this a river? I have never seen such a sick and thin river in my life.” And this happened everywhere.
Then came the full moon night, and I thought that at least with the full moon he will be happy and
he will not bring this small village in. But no, I was wrong. I took him to the river. It was a beautiful
silent evening, and then the moon came up – very big, simply wonderful. And I looked at Nasruddin
and said, ”Look! What a big moon.”
He looked at the moon, shrugged his shoulders and said, ”Not bad for a small village like this.”
This is the mind: it persists, it comes in spirals – again and again to the same thing. You can
renounce the world, but you will not become other-worldly; you will remain very worldly. And if you
want to check, you go to the Indian monks, SADHUS: they remain very very worldly, rooted in the
world. They have renounced everything, but their focus is on the world, their focus is on renouncing,
their focus is ego-centered, ego-oriented. They may be thinking that by renouncing they are nearing
God – no. Nobody has ever reached to the divine by saying no to anything.
This is the vision of tantra. Tantra says: ”You say yes. You say yes to everything. You need not
fight, you need not even swim – you simply float with the current. The river is going by itself, on its
own accord, everything reaches to the ultimate ocean. You simply don’t create any disturbance, you
don’t push the river, you simply go with it.” That going with it, floating with it, relaxing with it, is tantra.
If you can say yes, a deep acceptance happens to you. If you say yes, how can you be complaining?
How can you be miserable? Then everything is as it should be. You are not fighting, not denying –
you accept. And remember, this acceptance is different from ordinary acceptance.
Ordinarily a person accepts a situation when he feels helpless; that is impotent acceptance. That
will not lead you anywhere; impotence cannot lead you anywhere. A person accepts a situation
when he feels hopeless: ”Nothing can be done, so what to do? At least accept, to save face.” Tantra
acceptance is not that type of acceptance. It comes out of an overfulfilment, it comes out of a deep
contentment – not out of hopelessness, frustration, helplessness. It comes when you don’t say no,
it suddenly surfaces in you. Your whole being becomes a deep contentment.

That acceptance has a beauty of its own. It is not forced; you have not practiced for it. If you practice,
it will be false, it will be a hypocrisy. If you practice, you will be split in two: on the outside it will be
acceptance; deep down, the turmoil, the negation, the denial. Deep down you will be boiling up to
explode any moment. Just on the surface you will pretend that everything is okay.
Tantra acceptance is total, it doesn’t split you. All the religions of the world, except tantra, have
created split personalities. All the religions of the world, except tantra, have created schizophrenia.
They split you. They make something bad in you and something good. And they say the good has
to be achieved and the bad denied, the devil has to be denied and God accepted. They create a
split within you and a fight. Then you are continuously feeling guilty, because how can you destroy
the part that is organically one with you? You may call it bad, you may call it names; that doesn’t
make any difference. How can you destroy it? You never created it. You have simply found it – given.
Anger is there, sex is there, greed is there – you have not created them; they are given facts of life,
just like your eyes and your hands. You can call them names, you can call them ugly or beautiful or
whatsoever you like, but you cannot kill them.
Nothing can be killed out of existence, nothing can be destroyed.
Tantra says a transformation is possible, but destruction? – no. And a transformation comes when
you accept your total being. Then suddenly everything falls in line, then everything takes its own
place; then anger is also absorbed, then greed is also absorbed. Then without trying to cut anything
out of your being, your whole being rearranges itself. If you accept and say yes, a rearrangement
happens, and whereas before there was a noisy clamor inside, now a melody, a music is born, a
harmony comes in.
In noise and in harmony, what is the difference? The same sound waves arranged in a different way.
In a noise there is no center; the notes are the same. A madman playing on the piano; the notes
are the same, the sound is the same, but a madman playing – it has no center to it. If you can give
center to noise it becomes music, then it converges on a center and everything becomes organic.
If a madman is playing on the piano, then every note is separate, individual; it is a crowd of notes,
not a melody. And when a musician plays on the same piano with the same fingers, there comes an
alchemical change: now the same notes have fallen into a pattern, the same notes have joined into
an organic unity, now they have a center to them. Now they are not a crowd, now they are a family;
a subtle love joins them together – now they are one. And that is the whole art: to bring notes into a
loving phenomenon – they become harmonious.
Tantra says you are a noise right now as you are. Nothing is wrong in it – simply you don’t have a
center. Once you have a center, everything falls in line, and everything becomes beautiful.
When Gurdjieff gets angry it is beautiful. When you get angry it is ugly. Anger is neither ugly nor
beautiful. When Jesus gets angry it is sheer music – even anger. When Jesus takes a whip in the
temple and chases out the traders, out of the temple, there is a subtle beauty to it. Even Buddha
lacks that beauty; Buddha seems to be one-sided. It seems anger has nothing in it to play; the
tension of anger, the salt of it is not there. Buddha doesn’t taste as good as Jesus. Jesus has a
little salt in him, he can get angry – even his anger has become part of his whole being; nothing has
been denied, everything has been accepted.

But Tilopa is incomparable. Jesus is nothing.... The tantra masters are simply wild flowers, they
have everything in them. You must have seen Bodhidharma pictures; if you have not seen, look
again – so ferocious that if you meditate on Bodhidharma’s picture in the night, alone, you will not
be able to sleep: he will haunt you. It is said of him that once he looked at anybody, that man would
have nightmares continuously. He would haunt him; the very look, so ferocious. When Bodhidharma
or Tilopa spoke, it is said their speaking was like a lion’s roar, a thundercloud, a tremendous waterfall
– wild, fiery.
But if you wait a little and don’t judge them too soon, you will find within them the most loving of all
hearts. Then you will feel the music, the melody in them. And then suddenly you will realize that they
have not denied anything; they have absorbed everything, even ferociousness. A lion is beautiful,
even its ferociousness has a beauty of its own. You take the ferociousness out of a lion and he is
just a stuffed lion, dead.
Tantra says everything has to be absorbed, EVERYTHING! – remember, without any condition. Sex
has to be absorbed, then it becomes a tremendous force in you. A Buddha, a Tilopa, a Jesus, they
have such a magnetic force around them – what is that? Sex absorbed. Sex is human magnetism.
Suddenly you fall into their love. Once you come across their path, you are being pulled to a different
world altogether. You are torn from your old world, and you are being pulled to something new,
something that you never even dreamt about. What is this force? It is the same sex which has
become transformed; now it has become a magnetism, a charisma. Buddha has anger absorbed;
that very anger becomes compassion. And when Jesus takes the whip in his hand, it is because of
compassion. When Jesus talks in fire, this is same compassion.
Remember this, that tantra accepts you in your totality. When you come to me, I accept you in your
totality. I am not here to help you deny anything. I am here only to help you to rearrange, to get a
center of all your energies, to converge them to a center. And I tell you that you will be richer if you
have anger absorbed in it; you will be richer if you have sex absorbed in it; you will be richer if you
have hatred, jealousy, absorbed into it – they are the spices of life, and you will taste.... You will not
become tasteless, you will have an enrichment to your taste. You need a little salt. And anger is
exactly in the same amount as it is needed. When it overpowers you, then it becomes ugly. If you
eat only salt then you will die. Salt has a proportion, and in the proportion it is needed, absolutely
needed. Remember this.
On the path you will meet many people who would like to cripple you, to cut you, to dissect you.
They will say, ”This hand is bad, cut it off! This eye is bad, throw it out! Anger is bad, hate is bad,
sex is bad.” They will go on cutting you, and by the time they have left you, you are simply paralyzed,
a crippled one. You have no life left. That’s how the whole civilization has become paralyzed and
Unless tantra becomes the foundation of the whole human mind, man will not be complete – because
no other vision accepts man in his totality. But the acceptance, remember again, is of overflowing, it
is not of impotence.
One lives one’s life, one goes through it: each shade of it has to be lived, and each taste of it has to
be tasted. Even the wandering, even going astray is meaningful, because if you never go astray you
will not achieve to an enriched enlightenment, you will never be simple. You may be a simpleton, but
you will never be simple – and a simpleton is not simple.

Simplicity needs a very deep and complex experience behind it. A simpleton is simply without
experience. He may be a fool, but he cannot be a sage. A sage is one who has lived all the sins
of life, who has not denied anything, who has not called anything a sin, who has simply accepted
whatsoever has happened, who has allowed it to happen; who has moved with every wave, who has
drifted, who went astray, who fell down to the very hell.
Somewhere Nietzsche says, ”If a tree wants to reach to the sky, its roots need to go to the very hell.”
He’s right. If you want a real flowering into the sky, your roots will need to go to the deepest hell in
the earth.
When a sinner becomes a sage, the sage has a beauty. When a sage is simply a sage, without
becoming ever a sinner, he is just a simpleton, he has missed life. And no virtue can come out
unless there has been a wandering away, going astray.
There is a beautiful parable Jesus tells: One father had two sons. The younger son asked for his
heritage, took it away, wasted it in the city with wine and women, became a beggar. The other son
remained with the father, worked hard in the farms, accumulated much wealth. And then one day,
the beggar-son, the son who had gone astray, informed his father, ”I am coming back – I was a fool, I
wasted your wealth. Forgive me. Now I have nowhere to go, accept me, I am coming back.” And the
father said to his sons, ”Celebrate this occasion. Kill the fattest sheep, make many delicious foods,
distribute sweets to the whole town, find out the oldest wine for him. This is going to be a feast – my
son who had gone astray is coming back.”
Some people from the village went to the farm, and they told the other son, ”Look – what injustice!
You have been with your father, you served him like a servant, you never went astray, you never
did anything against him, but a feast was never given in your honor, it was never celebrated. And
now that vagabond, that beggar, who has wasted all your father’s money and who has lived in sin,
is coming back. And look at the injustice – your father is celebrating it. Come to the town! Sweets
are being distributed, a great feast is being arranged.”
Of course, the elder son felt very very angry. He came back, he was very sad, and he told to his
father, ”What type of injustice is this? You never killed any sheep for me, you never gave me any gift.
And now that son of yours is coming back, who has wasted all the wealth that you had given him,
and wasted it in wrong ways – and you are celebrating it.”
The father said, ”Yes, because you have always been with me, there is no need. But his coming
back HAS to be celebrated: he had gone astray, he is the sheep lost and found again.”
This story has not been taken in its full significance by Christians. In fact, it says what I am saying,
what tantra means; it is a tantra story. It means that if you remain always on the right path, you will
not be celebrated by existence. You will be a simpleton, you will not be enriched by life. You will
not have any salt in you; you may be nutritious, but no spices. You will be very simple, good, but
your goodness will not have a complex harmony in it. You will be a single note, not millions of notes
falling into a melody. You will be a straight line, with no curves and no corners. Those curves and
corners give a beauty, they make life more mysterious, they give depth. You will be shallow in your
saintlihood, you will not have any depth in you.

That’s why tantra says everything is beautiful. Even sin is beautiful, because sin gives depth to your
saintlihood. Even going astray is beautiful, because coming back becomes more enriched. This
world is needed for you to move into it deeply so that you forget yourself completely – and then a
coming back.
People ask, ”Why does this world exist if God is against it? Then why does he throw us into the
world, into the world of karmas, sins, wrongs? Why does he throw us? He can simply redeem us.”
That is not possible. Then you will be shallow, superficial. You have to be thrown to the farthest
corner of the world, and you have to come back. That coming back has something in it – that
something is the crystallization of your being.
Tantra accepts everything, LIVES everything. That’s why tantra never could become a very accepted
ideology. It always remained a fringe ideology, just somewhere on the boundary, outside the society,
civilization, because civilization has chosen to be shallow; good, but shallow. Civilization has chosen
to deny, to say no to many things. Civilization is not courageous enough to accept all, to accept
everything that life gives.
The greatest courage in the world is to accept all that life gives to you. And this is what I am trying to
help you towards, to accept all that life gives you, and accept it in deep humbleness, as a gift. And
when I say this, even those things which society has conditioned you to call wrong and bad. Accept
sex, and then there will come a flowering out of it; a brahmacharya will come, a purity, an innocence
will come; a virginity will come out of it – but that will be a transcendence.
Through experience one transcends.
Moving in the dark alleys of life one’s eyes become trained, and one starts seeing the light even in
darkness. What beauty is there if you can see light while there is day! The beauty is there when
there is the darkest night, and your eyes are so trained into darkness that you can see the day
hidden there. When in the darkest night you can see the morning, then there is beauty, then you
have achieved. When in the lowest you can see the highest, when even in hell you can create a
heaven, then, then you have become the artist of life. And tantra wants to make you the artists of
life – not deniers, but great yea-sayers.
Accept, and, by and by, you will feel the more you accept, the less is there desire. If you accept,
how can desire stand there? Whatsoever the case is in this moment, you accept it. Then there is no
movement for anything else. You live it moment to moment in deep acceptance. You grow without
there being any goal, without there being any desire to go somewhere and be something else or
somebody else.
Tantra says, ”Be yourself” – and that is the only being you can achieve ever. With acceptance desires
fall. With acceptance, a desirelessness comes into being by itself. You don’t practice it, you don’t
force it upon yourself. You don’t cut your desires – just by accepting, they disappear.
And when suddenly one moment happens that you accept totally and all desires have gone, there
is a sudden enlightenment. Suddenly, without doing anything on your part, it happens. That’s the
greatest gift this existence can give to you.

This is the tantra attitude towards life. There is no other life than this, and there is no other world
than this. This very SAMSARA is the nirvana. Just you have to be a little more understanding, more
accepting, more childlike, less egoistic.

Now, the sutras of Tilopa.

No VEDAS will help, no BIBLES. The practice of mantra will not be of any help; rather, it can become
a hindrance. What is a mantra in fact? What are you doing when you are chanting a mantra? What
is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi teaching people when he is teaching transcendental meditation? He is
saying to repeat a certain word or a certain mantra continuously inside. Ram, Ram, Ram; AUM,
AUM, AUM; anything, even your own name will do; even if you repeat ”H20, H20, H20,” that will do
– because the question is not the sound or the word. The question is if you repeat continuously
something, by the very repetition something happens. What is that?
When you repeat a certain word continuously, a rhythm is created inside: Ram, Ram, Ram – a
rhythm is created, and the rhythm is monotonous. Whenever you repeat a certain word continuously,
a monotony happens. Monotonous... repeating a certain word continuously, you start feeling sleepy.
This is what hypnosis is, this is autohypnosis; repeating a mantra is autohypnotizing. You become
drunk from your own monotonous sound-rhythm.
It is good! Nothing is bad in it; it gives you a good sleep, very refreshing. If you are tired, it is
a good mental trick; you will feel fresh, even fresher than you can feel in ordinary sleep, because
the ordinary sleep cannot go so deep as a mantra sleep can go, because in ordinary sleep many
thoughts continue, dreams continue, they continuously disturb. But if you repeat a certain mantra
continuously, nothing else can be there, only the mantra. It takes you to very very deep sleep.
In yoga we have a special word for it; in Sanskrit sleep is called NIDRA, and a sleep created by
mantra chanting is called TANDRA. That is a deeper sleep but still sleep, it is called YOGA-TANDRA
– sleep created by yoga, mantra, chanting.
If you are disturbed in your sleep, TM can be helpful. That’s why in America it seems Maharishi’s
influence has been great, because America is the most disturbed country as far as sleep is
concerned. So many tranquilizers are being used; so many sleeping pills are being used. People
have lost the natural capacity to sleep – hence the influence. In India, nobody bothers about TM
because people are already sleeping so deeply that it is difficult to wake them.
A mantra gives you a subtle sleep; as far as it goes it is good – but don’t think that it is meditation,
then you become a victim. Don’t think that it is a meditation; it is just a mental tranquilizer. And it is
as chemical as any sleeping pill? – because sound changes the chemistry of your body, sound is
part of the chemistry of your body. That’s why in a certain type of music you feel very very refreshed;
the music falls on you, cleanses you, as if you have taken a bath. Sound changes the chemistry of
your body. There are certain types of music which will make you very passionate and sexual; just
their hitting sounds change your chemistry of the body.

A mantra is creating an inner music with a single note; monotony is basic to it. And there is no
need to ask Maharishi Mahesh Yogi about it – every mother in the world knows about it. Whenever
the child is restless, she hums a lullaby – a lullaby is a mantra: just two or three words, even
meaningless, no need for any meaning to be there. She sits by the side of the child, or takes the
child near her heart – that too, the beating of the heart, is a monotonous music. So whenever a
child is restless, the mother puts his head on her heart, the beat of the heart becomes a mantra.
And the child is befooled; he falls asleep. Or, if the child has grown a little and cannot be befooled
so easily, then she chants a lullaby; just two or three words, monotonous, simple words, she goes
on repeating. Monotony helps; the child falls into sleep – nothing bad in it: better tranquilizer than
any chemical pill. But still a tranquilizer, a pill – subtle, a sound-pill, but it affects the chemistry of the
So if you are disturbed in your sleep, if you have a certain degree of insomnia, it is good, but don’t
think that it is meditation. It will make you more and more adjusted, but it will not transform you. And
the whole society is always trying to make you more adjusted to it. It has tried religion to make you
adjusted to it. It has tried morality, it has tried mantra, yogas. It has tried psychoanalysis, and many
types of psychiatry, to bring you back to the adjusted society. The whole goal of the society is how
to create an adjusted individual. But if the whole society is wrong, being adjusted to it cannot be
good. If the whole society is mad, being adjusted to it means only becoming mad.
Somebody asked Sigmund Freud once, ”In fact, what exactly are you doing in psychoanalysis, and
what is the goal of it?” He said – and he was a really authentic person – he said, ”At the most what
we can do is this: we make hysterical, unhappy people normally unhappy. That’s all – hysterically
unhappy people, normally unhappy; we bring them back to the normal unhappiness, like everybody
else. They were going a little too much; they were creating too much unhappiness and they were
becoming neurotic. We bring them back to the normal neurosis of humanity.” Freud says, ”Man can
never be happy. Man can only be either neurotically unhappy or normally unhappy, but man can
never be happy.”
As far as ordinary humanity is concerned, his diagnosis seems to be exactly right, but he is not
aware of a Buddha or a Tilopa; he is not aware of those who have achieved a total, blissful state of
being. And it is as it should be, because a buddha will not go to be treated by Freud – for what?
Only hysterical persons come to Freud, and then he treats them. And his whole knowledge, his
whole experience, is of hysterically neurotic people. He has not known a single individual, in his
whole forty years’ experience with patients, who is happy. So he is right, empirical. His experience
shows that there are only two types of people: normally unhappy and hysterically unhappy. And at
the most we can help this much: we can make you more adjusted.
Mantra, psychoanalysis, religion, morality, churches, prayers – they have all been used to make you
adjusted. And the real religion starts only when you start on a journey of transformation; not to be
adjusted to the society, but to be in harmony with the cosmos. To be adjusted to the society you
have to fall down.
It happens many times that a madman has nothing wrong in him. The madman is simply too much of
an energy and he cannot adjust himself to the society – he goes astray. A madman is too much of an
individual; a madman is too talented in certain things that he cannot get adjusted to the society. And
you must remember all geniuses always remain maladjusted in the society, and out of one hundred
geniuses, almost eighty percent always have a trip to the madhouse. They have to, because they
go beyond society. They have much more than ordinary society allows.
The ordinary society is like a paperweight on you: it won’t allow you to fly. A genius throws away the
paperweight and would like to be on the wing and go to the farthest corner of the sky. The moment
you go beyond the line of the society, the boundary, you are mad. And the whole society tries to
readjust you.
Tantra says readjustment, adjustment, is not the goal; it is not worth much – transformation is the
goal. What to do? Don’t try tricks to be readjusted – mantra is a trick. If you are feeling that you
cannot sleep, then don’t try to find sleep through a mantra. Rather, on the contrary, try to find what
the restlessness is that is causing you sleeplessness. You may be desiring too much, you may be
too ambitious. Your ambition won’t allow you to sleep, your restlessness continues, your desiring
mind goes on and on and on, and the thinking process continues. That’s why you cannot sleep.
Now there are two ways: one is of mantra and the other is of tantra.
Mantra says: don’t bother about the causes; you simply repeat a mantra and fall asleep. This is
so superficial. Don’t bother about the causes, just repeat a mantra – fifteen minutes in the morning
and fifteen in the evening – and you will be able to sleep; and you will feel good and you will feel
healthy. But even if you feel good and healthy, what will happen out of it? There are many healthy
people who sleep beautifully, but nothing has happened to them – the ultimate blooming has not
come. Health is good in itself, but cannot be the goal. To sleep is good, but cannot be the goal.
Tantra says find out the causes of why you are restless.
A minister in the Indian government used to come to me. He was always worried about his sleep,
and he would say, ”Just give me some technique so that I can sleep.” But I told him, ”A politician
cannot sleep – that is not possible. A politician is not meant to sleep, he is not expected to sleep.
That is good, and I am not going to give you any technique. You go to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he
will give you a technique without asking why.” And in fact he went.
Then he came after three months. He said, ”You suggested and it worked! Now it is beautiful,
now I can sleep.” Then I told him, ”Whenever you need, and you feel that sleep is not enough, that
awakening is needed, then come to me – because you can sleep, but what will happen out of it?
You will remain the same; in the morning you will again be on the same ambitious trip. You may
think something good has happened, but only one thing has happened: now you will not be aware
of the causes; they have been forced by the mantra into the deeper unconscious, and the possibility
of transformation has been postponed.”
I cannot give you better sleep. I would like to give you better awakening, better awareness.
A politician is continuously desiring, fighting, competing, jealous, trying to reach higher and higher
in the hierarchy. In the end nothing is achieved.
Mulla Nasruddin worked his whole life in politics and went to the highest post possible. Then I asked
him, ”What have you attained?” He said, ”To be frank, I’m the greatest ladder climber in the world.
That is my achievement: the greatest ladder climber.” But even if you reach the highest rung of
the ladder, what then? Your presidents and prime ministers have reached, they are the greatest
ladder climbers – but ladder climbing is not life. And just going on and on climbing bigger and bigger
ladders, what is the point of it?
Ambition creates restlessness. I would like you to understand your ambition. Desiring creates
restlessness. I would like you to be aware of your desiring. This is the way of tantra. And when the
cause disappears, the disease disappears. And if the cause disappears, then you are transformed.
The disease is just a symptom – don’t try to hide the symptom; let it be there, it is good, because it
goes on poking, goes on hitting you and saying that something is wrong. If you cannot sleep, it is
good because it shows that something is wrong in your very style of life.
I am not going to help you to attain better sleep. I will say: Try to understand, this is a symptom. This
symptom is a friend, it is not an enemy. It is simply showing that deep down in your unconscious
there are undercurrents which won’t allow you to sleep. Understand them, absorb them, go through
them, transcend them – and then there will be a deep sleep; not because you have forced the
symptom underground, but because the disease has disappeared. And in that ”sleepness” a totally
different quality of consciousness comes into existence. Then you can be deeply asleep and still
alert. It is not hypnosis then, it is not like a drunk state, it is not through a drug. And all mantras are
drugs; very subtle, but still drugs. Don’t become a drug-addict.
Says Tilopa:

PARAMITA is a Buddhist word; it means compassion, serving the people. Whatsoever the Christian
missionaries are doing all over the world is paramita. Serve! Help! Sympathize! Be compassionate!
But Tilopa says that will also not help.
I have also observed – I know many people who are social reformers, great servants of society;
their whole life they have devoted and sacrificed for the uplift of people – but no transformation has
happened to them. It cannot happen, because serving the people, serving the society, becomes an
occupation; they become occupied.
In fact, if the society is suddenly transformed by a divine miracle, and there is no beggar to be served,
no poor man to be served, no ill person, no hospitals, no mad people – suddenly, if this happens,
can you conceive what will happen to your great servants of the society? They will commit suicide!
Not finding anybody to serve, what will they do? They will simply be at a loss. What will happen
to Christian missionaries? If there is nobody to be converted and forced and led and seduced to
their path, converted; if everybody becomes Christian, what will they do? Where will they go on
their great missions? They will have to commit suicide. If the revolution really happens, what will be
the fate of your revolutionaries? What will they do? Suddenly out of job, unemployed, they will start
praying to God: ”Bring back the old society – we need lepers to serve, we need beggars to help.”
You can be occupied either in your own business, or you can be occupied with other people, but
the mind needs occupation. The mind needs that you should forget yourself and be occupied with
something. This is an escape from the innate truth. And Tilopa says these are not the ways.

Tantra has a very very beautiful thing to say to you, and that is: First, before you start serving
anybody else, be absolutely selfish. How can you serve anybody else unless you have attained your
inner being first? Be absolutely selfish! If your own inner light is burning you may be able to help
others; otherwise your service will be a mischief. And the world is so much in mischief because of
so many revolutionaries, so many social reformers, so many self-appointed servants. They create
mischief, they create chaos; it is natural because they have not attained to their own truth and they
have started helping others. If you have a light within, you may share your light with somebody else,
but if you don’t have it how can you share it? How can you share that which you don’t have?
A man came to Buddha – he must have been a very very great revolutionary, like Marcuse or others
– and he asked Buddha, ”Tell me how I can serve others. I have a deep compassion in me and
I would like to make everybody happy.” Buddha looked at him. It is said he became sad; Buddha
became sad looking at him. The man said, ”Why have you become so sad?” Buddha said, ”It is
difficult because you yourself don’t seem to be happy and you are on a mission to make everybody
happy. How can you share that which you don’t have?”
First you be; and once you are then it is not a mission. Once you are blissful, then you don’t go out of
your way to help others – your very being is a help wherever you are; you don’t make it a profession.
The way you are, wherever you are... if you sit near a tree, you help the tree. Not consciously, not
with any effort on your part, just being near the tree, and the tree responds and your inner being
flows into the tree, and the tree flows into you – and you have awakened a tree. Some day this
tree will become a buddha and you will be a part in it, you participated in it; and when this tree will
become a buddha and the whole universe will celebrate, you will also celebrate – a part of you, you
have given to the tree, you have shared.
You sit by a river and you share; you move, your very movement becomes your compassion – it is
nothing to be done. If you DO, something is wrong. How can you ”do” love? It is not an act, it is a
state of being. You are in love, you have the light, and your doors are open; then whosoever wants
to come in, into the inner shrine of your being, is invited. And whosoever wants to light his own light
from your source of light, you are ready.
You never go and seek somebody to help. When you go, one thing is certain, you are not the right
person. When you start doing something, one thing is certain, you are creating a mischief. You will
simply poke your nose into others’ affairs. Let them be themselves. It is enough compassion on
your side that you don’t disturb them. Don’t try to change them. You don’t know what you are doing.
Only one who is enlightened can help: the help flows spontaneously. It is just like a flower has
bloomed – and the winds take the fragrance and they spread it all over the earth. It is very subtle
and indirect; it never hits anybody directly. A real master never tries to change anybody directly; he
is like a subtle fragrance, he surrounds you. If you are open, a little whiff will enter in you. If you are
not open, he will wait at the door; he will not even knock, because that may also disturb your sleep.
It is your sleep, you have all the right to sleep as long as you want; it is nobody’s business to awaken
I may have become awakened; I may like you to be awakened, but that is my thing, not your thing.
If you are fast asleep and dreaming beautiful dreams, who am I to disturb you? I will wait. I will
surround you like a fragrance. And if that fragrance catches you, and if that fragrance brings you out

of your sleep, it is okay. But it is not a direct effort, it is very very indirect. And always remember:
only those people who are absolutely indirect can be of any help. Direct help is from the politician,
indirect help is from the sage.


Why? – because it is already there. It has not to be brought in. You are seeking something which
you have already there inside you in its total beauty and perfection. Nothing has to be done. Doing
is absolutely irrelevant. You have just to come back home. The guest is already there, but the host
is out – you are not inside. Through your desires you are moving more out and more out and more
out. You would like to have a big house and a big car, and this and that, and you are moving out
more and more. You have no time to come back home.
Meditation is nothing but coming back home, just to have a little rest inside. It is not the chanting
of a mantra, it is not even a prayer; it is just coming back home and having a little rest. Not going
anywhere is meditation, just being where you are; there is no other ”where” – just being there where
you are, just occupying only that space where you are. Desire takes you on long journeys in time
and space – and desire never brings you to your home; it always takes you somewhere else.
That’s how you are missing – by going out you are missing, by seeking you are missing, by searching
you are missing, by trying to get it you are missing. Nothing is needed on your part – the divine has
given all that can be given to you. You are not sent as a beggar into the world, you are sent as
emperors. Just have a look inside. Just in some moments don’t go anywhere, desireless, not
thinking of the future, not thinking of the past, just remaining here and now, and suddenly it is there
– it has been always there – and you start laughing.
When Lin Chi was asked that when he attained enlightenment what he did, that was the first thing he
did, he said, ”What can one do? I laughed and asked for a cup of tea. I laughed! What was I doing?
– seeking something which was already there.” All the buddhas have laughed, and all the buddhas
have asked for a cup of tea – because what else to do? It is already there. You were unnecessarily
running here and there; tired, you have come back home. A cup of tea is exactly the right thing.
Your seeking creates a smoke around the flame. You go on running around and around, you stir
much dust, and you create much smoke, and it is your own effort that stirs the dust and creates the
smoke, and the flame becomes hidden. Rest a little, let the dust settle back to the earth. And if you
are not running very fast, not in a hurry, you will not create smoke. By and by, things settle and the
inner light is revealed.
This is the most fundamental thing in tantra, that it says that you are already perfect. No other vision
says that. They say you have to achieve it; they say you have to go, you have to struggle, and you
have to do many things and the path is arduous; and it is very very rarely that somebody reaches
because the goal is very very distant; and for millions of lives one has to try, and then one reaches;
perfection has to be achieved. Tantra says this is the reason why you are not achieving. Perfection
has not to be achieved. It has to be simply realized that it is there.
Tantra offers you enlightenment right here and now – no time, no postponement. Tantra says if you
rest, just resting will help, because by your restlessness you are creating the smoke all around, and
you are in such a hurry you cannot listen. If somebody says, ”Rest,” you will say, ”There is no time
to rest. I have to achieve a goal and the goal is very far. And if I rest I will miss.” Tantra says you are
missing because you are running. Tantra says you are missing because you are in such a hurry.
Very, very simple. But you are too complex, you are too puzzled inside; otherwise everything is very
very easy.
What does one do? If you go to the ocean you simply sit on the shore, on the beach, and you watch.
The waves rise and fall, and there is a tide and there is an ebb; the ocean passes through many
moods. What do you do? You simply sit and watch. Exactly is the case with the mind; it is also like
an ocean – waves arise and fall. Sometimes there is a tide and much turmoil, and sometimes it is
an ebb, and you feel a little silent.
In fact it is the case: the whole consciousness is like an ocean. And your mind is not only yours: your
mind is part of the collective mind; all around you is the ocean of consciousness. Just like fishes in
the ocean, you are fishes in the consciousness – in and out, this side and that, above and below,
the ocean and the ocean waves. Who are you to disturb it? And who are you to make it quiet and
silent? And how can you do it?
So whenever a person becomes too interested and eager to calm down the mind, he creates many
troubles for himself. It is not possible! And when you try some impossibility, you get frustrated. Then
you think of a thousand and one causes why it is not happening. The simple fact is it cannot happen!
Tantra says, ”Watch it! It is none of your business that thoughts come and go. They come on their
own accord, they go on their accord. Why do you get involved in them? Who are you to calm them
down? They don’t belong to you; they belong to the vast ocean that surrounds you. You were not
there, and they were. You will not be one day, and they will remain.”
Now science accords with this: every thought is a wave. That’s why a radio can broadcast thoughts.
They pass through walls and hills and your bodies, and nothing hinders them. Something is
broadcast in New York and you hear it here. Now scientists suspect that the possibility is there
that soon we may be able to catch thoughts from the past, because thoughts never die. It may
be possible some day to catch Tilopa saying to Naropa, ”Because of you... that which cannot be
uttered, but because of your trust, I will say it.” It is possible because thoughts never die. This thought
of Tilopa must be somewhere near some star. If we can catch it.... Science may be capable to some
day, because when a thought is broadcast from New York, it takes time to reach Poona; it takes a
few seconds, but it takes time. It travels, it will go on traveling; it will leave this earth, it will go on
traveling. It will reach in a few million years some star – if we can catch it there, you can listen to it
Thoughts are an ocean all around you, they exist without you – you just be a witness. So tantra says:
Accept them! The tide comes, it is beautiful; the ebb comes, it is beautiful. Big, strong waves trying
to reach to the sky; tremendous energy – watch it! Then comes a calm ocean, everything subsided,
and the moon reflects in it, beautiful – watch it. And if you can watch you will become absolutely
silent. The thoughts may go on coming to the beach, scattering on the rocks; you will remain calm
and quiet; they will not affect you.
So the real problem is not thoughts, but being affected. Don’t fight with the thoughts, simply become
a witness and you are not affected. And it is a richer silence, remember, and tantra is always for
richer experiences. There is a possibility of creating a dead silence, a silence that you find on the
cemetery. You can force your mind so much that the whole nervous system becomes paralyzed.
Then there will be no thoughts, because a very delicate nerve system is needed to receive them.
The ocean will be there but you will not be receptive, your receptivity will be lost.
That is what is happening to many yogis, so-called yogis. They go on dulling their nervous systems.
They eat less so that no energy moves to the brain. In fasting the energy cannot move to the brain,
the body needs it first. They live in such a way that, by and by, their whole brain system becomes
paralyzed, numb: sitting in one posture, monotonous; repeating a mantra, monotonous. If you
continuously repeat a mantra for a few years, of course the system becomes dull, because no new
sensations enter, the vitality is lost.
In fact this man has not become silent – this man has become more stupid. And you will have the
stupid look on many yogis’ faces. You will not see the intelligence, you will see something dull, dead;
a stone-like thing has happened. They have not attained to silence – they have lost their brains.
They have lost their receptivity, they have dulled themselves completely, they are dead. Nothing
happens to them inside because for anything to happen a very delicate nervous system is needed
– very delicate, very receptive, sensitive.
So this should be the criterion: if you see on the face of a yogi the radiance, the intelligence,
awareness, sensitivity, as if something has flowered within, he is fulfilled – then only silence has
happened. Otherwise, one can be silent – stupid people are, idiots are perfectly silent, because
they cannot think – but what type of silence is this?
An idiot is not a yogi. An idiot is simply born in such a way that his brain system is not functioning.
You can do it with your own brain system by fasting, by yoga postures; you can stand on your head
for hours – that will do. SHIRSHASAN is perfect: you stand on your head for hours – that will make
your nervous system dead, because your brain exists if very very minute energy and blood reaches
to it, because the nerves are so delicate, so small, fragile. You cannot conceive because with the
bare eye they cannot be seen. Your hair seems to be very thin, it is nothing. A nerve in the brain
is just like the hair... if you put ten thousand nerves one on top of another, then they will be of the
thickness of the hair. So if blood goes fast, it simply destroys them; it is like a flood.

Man attained to this brain, and no animal has attained, because man stood on the feet – that’s why
the blood cannot go to the head, it is against the gravitation. The gravitation goes on pulling the
blood downwards, and a very very minute part of the blood reaches to the head. That’s why that
subtle system can exist. Animals cannot have it because they move on all fours and their brain
remains on the same level as their body. If you stand on your head, you do shirshasan, for a single
minute it may be good, or even for a single second it may be good, because it just gives a bath; just
the blood reaches, and by the time it reaches you are back to your normal posture: and it cleanses.
But if you do shirshasan for minutes together or hours together, it will kill your whole brain-system.
The flood is too much, the brain cannot exist.
And yogis have found many ways to destroy the brain. Once it is destroyed you cannot see the
ocean – but the ocean is there, thoughts are there. It is just like if your radio has gone out of order.
Don’t think that broadcasts are not passing from this room, they are passing, but your receiving
mechanism is not functioning. Start the radio, put it on – immediately it starts catching them.
The brain is just like a receiving center; if you destroy it you will be silent, but that silence is not of
tantra. And I don’t teach that silence – that is death. It is good in the cemetery, you are not going
anywhere through it – you are wasting your life. And a very subtle instrument which can make you
perfectly intelligent, an instrument which can become so perceptive that you can enjoy the whole
celebration of existence, you have destroyed. More sensitivity is needed, more poetry is needed.
More life, more beauty, everything more is needed.
What will you do then? Attain to tantra silence. Watch the waves, and the more you watch, the more
you will be able to see the beauty of them. The more you watch, the more subtle nuances of thought
will be revealed to you. And it is beautiful – but you remain the witness. You remain on the beach;
you just sit on the beach, or lie down in the sun, and just let the ocean do its own work – you don’t
If you don’t interfere, by and by, by and by, the ocean doesn’t affect you. It goes on roaring all
around, but it doesn’t penetrate you. It is beautiful in itself, but it is separate, a distance exists. That
distance is real meditation, the real silence.
The world goes on and on, you are not affected; you remain in the world, but you are not in the
world; you remain in the world, but the world is not in you. You pass through the world, untouched,
unscarred. You remain virgin. Whatsoever you do, whatsoever happens to you, makes no difference:
your virginity remains perfect, your innocence remains absolute, your purity is not destroyed.
And, says Tilopa, if you are trying to keep the tantra path, the tantra precepts, then remember, don’t
discriminate. If you discriminate you may be a tantra philosopher, but not a tantra follower. Don’t
discriminate. Don’t say this is good and that is bad. Drop all discrimination. Accept everything as itmis.
rest in yourself, come back home;


One who never harms the principle of non-distinction, who never discriminates, he follows the right
path. And
This is one of the most beautiful tantra things: tantra says remain homeless, don’t abide anywhere,
don’t get identified and don’t cling to anything. Remain homeless, because in homelessness you
will attain to your real home. If you start getting... abiding in this and that, you will miss the home.
Don’t cling to anybody, to anything, to any relationship. Enjoy, but don’t cling. Enjoyment is not a
problem; once you start clinging, once the clinging mind comes in, then you are not flowing, then a
block has come in. Don’t abide anywhere, then you will abide in yourself. Don’t cling to anything,
only then you will be able to rest in yourself.
So two principles are very basic: don’t harm the principle of non-abiding, and don’t harm the principle
of non-distinction.
Through scriptures you cannot attain to truth. But if you attain to truth, you will understand the
scriptures. Scriptures are nothing but witnesses, they bear witness. You cannot learn the truth
from them, but once you know the truth, they will bear witness. All the scriptures of the world
will say, ”Yes, you have attained.” This is what truth is. Scriptures come from persons who have
attained. Whatsoever their language and symbology, whatsoever their metaphor, once you attain
you penetrate through all metaphors, symbology, all languages.
People ask me, ”What are you doing here? Sometimes you talk on tantra and Tilopa, and sometimes
you talk on yoga and Patanjali, and sometimes you talk on Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, the taoists
and the tao, and sometimes you jump to Heraclitus and Jesus – what are you doing here?” I am
talking about the same thing. I am not talking about anything else. Heraclitus or Tilopa or Buddha
or Jesus, makes no difference to me. I am talking myself. They are just excuses – because once
you attain, you fulfill all scriptures of the world. Then there is no Hindu scripture, Jewish scripture,
Christian scripture; then suddenly you become the culmination of all the scriptures.
I am a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew, a Mohammedan, because I am no one. And the truth, once
known, is beyond all scriptures. All scriptures indicate towards it, the scriptures are nothing but
fingers pointing to the moon. Fingers may be millions – the moon is the same. Once you know, you
have known all.
Through scriptures you will become sectarians: you will be a Christian because you cling to the
BIBLE; you will be a Mohammedan if you cling to the KORAN; you will be a Hindu if you cling to
the GITA – but you will not be religious. Religiousness happens only when the truth has happened
to you. Then you don’t cling to anything, and all the scriptures start clinging to you. Then you
don’t follow anybody, and all the scriptures follow you, they become like your shadows. And all the
scriptures are the same because they talk about the same. Their metaphors, of course, are different,
their languages are different, but the experience is the same.
Says Buddha, ”You taste the ocean from anywhere, you will always find it salty.” You taste it from
the KORAN, or from the BIBLE, or from the TORAH, or the TALMUD, the taste is always the same.
Scriptures cannot lead you. In fact, they are dead without you. When you achieve to truth, life
suddenly comes to all the scriptures. Through you they become again alive, through you they are
That is what I am doing, giving rebirth to Tilopa. He has been dead for many hundreds of years.
Nobody has talked about him, nobody has given him again a birth. I am giving him a rebirth. While
I am here, he will be again alive. You can meet him if you are capable. He is again near here. If you
are receptive, you can feel his footsteps. He is again materialized.
Through me – I will give birth to all the scriptures. Through me, they can again come to this world, I
can become an anchor. That’s what I am doing. And that’s what I would like you to do in your own
life, some day. When you realize, when you come to know, then bring all that is beautiful in the past
back and give it rebirth, renew it, so that all those who have known can be again on the earth and
travel here, and help people.

Osho  Tantra _ The Supreme Understanding
15 February 1975 am in Buddha Hall

Tantra :The Suprem Understanding

The Suprem Understanding


Everybody is born in freedom, but dies in bondage. The beginning of life is totally loose and natural,
but then enters the society, then enter rules and regulations, morality, discipline and many sorts of
trainings, and the looseness and the naturalness and the spontaneous being is lost. One starts
to gather around oneself a sort of armor. One starts becoming more and more rigid. The inner
softness is no more apparent.
On the boundary of one’s being one creates a fortlike phenomenon, to defend, to not be vulnerable,
to react, for security, safety, and the freedom of being is lost. One starts looking at others’ eyes; their
approvals, their denials, their condemnations, appreciations become more and more valuable. The
others become the criterion, and one starts to imitate and follow others because one has to live with

And a child is very soft, he can be molded in any way; and the society starts molding him – the
parents, the teachers, the school – and by and by he becomes a character not a being. He learns
all the rules. Either he becomes a conformist; that too is a bondage – or he becomes rebellious;
that too is another sort of bondage. If he becomes a conformist, orthodox, square, that is one sort
of bondage; he can react, can become a hippy, can move to the other extreme, but that too is again
a sort of bondage – because reaction depends on the same thing it reacts against. You may go
to the farthest corner, but deep down in the mind you are rebelling against the same rules. Others
are following them, you are reacting, but the focus remains on the same rules. Reactionaries or
revolutionaries, all travel in the same boat. They may be standing against each other, back to back,
but the boat is the same.
A religious man is neither a reactionary nor a revolutionary. A religious man simply is loose and
natural; he is neither for something nor against, he is simply himself. He has no rules to follow and
no rules to deny; simply, he has no rules. A religious man is free in his own being, he has no mold
of habits and conditionings. He is not a cultured being – not that he is uncivilized and primitive, he
is the highest possibility of civilization and culture, but he is not a cultured being. He has grown in
his awareness and he doesn’t need any rules, he has transcended rules. He is truthful not because
this is the rule to be truthful; being loose and natural he is simply truthful, it happens to be truthful.
He has compassion, not because he follows the precept: Be compassionate! No. Being loose and
natural he simply feels compassion flowing all around. That is nothing to do on his part; it is just
a byproduct of his growth in awareness. He is not against society, nor for society – he is simply
beyond it. He has again become a child, a child of an absolutely unknown world, a child in a new
dimension – he is reborn.
Every child is born natural, loose; then the society comes in, has to come in for certain reasons....
Nothing is wrong in it, because if the child is left to himself or herself the child will never grow, and
the child will never be able to become religious, he will become just like an animal. The society
has to come in; the society has to be passed through – it is needed. The only thing to remember
is: it is just a passage to pass through; one should not make one’s house in it. The only thing to
remember is: the society has to be followed and then transcended, the rules have to be learned and
then unlearned.
The rules will come in your life because there are others, you are not alone. When the child is in
the mother’s womb he is absolutely alone, no rules are needed. Rules come only when the other
comes into relationship; the rules come with relationship – because you are not alone you have to
think of others and consider others. In the mother’s womb the child is alone; no rules, no morality,
no discipline is needed, no order; but the moment he is born, even the first breath he takes is social.
If the child is not crying, the doctors will force him to cry immediately, because if he doesn’t cry for a
few minutes then he will be dead. He has to cry because the cry opens the passage through which
he will be able to breathe, it clears the throat. He has to be forced to cry – even the first breath is
social; others are there and the molding has started.
Nothing is wrong in it. It has to be done, but it has to be done in such a way that the child never
loses his awareness, does not become identified with the cultured pattern, remains deep inside still
free, knows that rules have to be followed but rules are not life, and knows this also and has to be
taught. And that’s what a good society will do: ”These rules are good but there are others, but these
rules are not absolute, and you are not expected to remain confined to them – one day you must
transcend them.” A society is good if it teaches its members civilization AND transcendence; then
the society is religious. If it never teaches transcendence then that society is simply secular and
political, it has no religion in it.

You have to listen to others up to an extent, and then you have to start listening to yourself. You must
come back to the original state in the end. Before you die you must become an innocent child again
– loose, natural; because in death again you are entering the dimension of being alone. Just as you
were in the womb, in death again you will enter in the realm of being alone. No society exists there.
And the whole of your life you have to find a few spaces in your life, a few moments like oases in
deserts, where you simply close your eyes and go beyond society, move into yourself, in your own
womb – this is what meditation is. The society is there; you simply close your eyes and forget the
society and become alone. No rules exist there, no character is needed, no morality, no words, no
language. You can be loose and natural inside.
Grow into that loose-and-naturalness. Even if there is a need for outer discipline, inside you remain
wild. If one can remain wild inside and still practicing things which are needed in the society, then
soon one can come to a point where one simply transcends.
I will tell you one story and then I will enter into the sutras.
This is a Sufi story: An old man and a young man are traveling with a donkey. They have reached
near a town; they both are walking with their donkey.
School children passed them and they giggled and they laughed and they said, ”Look at these fools:
they have a healthy donkey with them and they are walking. At least the old man can sit on the
Listening to those children the old man and the young man decided, ”What to do? – because people
are laughing and soon we will be entering the town, so it is better to follow what they are saying.” So
the old man sat on the donkey and the young man followed.
Then they came near another group of people and they looked at them and said, ”Look! – the old
man is sitting on the donkey and the poor boy is walking. This is absurd! The old man can walk, but
the boy should be allowed to sit on the donkey.” So they changed: the old man started walking and
the boy was allowed to sit.
Then another group came and said, ”Look at these fools. And this boy seems to be too arrogant.
Maybe the old man is his father or his teacher and he is walking, and he is sitting on the donkey –
this is against all rules!”
So what to do? They both decided that now there is only one possibility: that they both should sit on
the donkey; so they both sat on the donkey. Then other groups came and they said, ”Look at these
people, so violent! The poor donkey is almost dying – two persons on one donkey. It would have
been better if they carried the donkey on their shoulders.”
So they again discussed, and then there was the river and the bridge. They had now almost reached
the boundary of the town, so they thought: ”It is better to behave as people think in this town,
otherwise they will think we are fools.” So they found a bamboo; on their shoulders they put the
bamboo and hung the donkey by his legs, tied it in the bamboo and carried him. The donkey tried
to rebel, as donkeys are they cannot be forced very easily. He tried to escape because he is not a
believer in society and what others are saying. But the two men were too much and they forced him,
so the donkey had to yield.

Just on the bridge in the middle a crowd passed and they all gathered and they said, ”Look, these
fools! We have never seen such idiots – a donkey is to ride upon, not to carry on your shoulders.
Have you gone mad?”
Listening to them – and a great crowd gathered – the donkey became restless, so restless that he
jumped and fell from the bridge down into the river – died. Both men came down – the donkey was
dead. They sat by the side and the old man said, ”Now listen....”
This is not an ordinary story – the old man was a Sufi master, an enlightened person, and the young
man was a disciple and the old master was trying to give him a lesson, because Sufis always create
situations; they say unless the situation is there you cannot learn deeply. So this was just a situation
for the young man. Now the old man said, ”Look: just like this donkey you will be dead if you listen to
people too much. Don’t bother what others say, because there are millions of others and they have
their own minds and everybody will say something; everybody has his opinions and if you listen to
opinions this will be your end.”
Don’t listen to anybody, you remain yourself. Just bypass them, be indifferent. If you go on listening
to everybody, everybody will be prodding you to this way or that. You will never be able to reach your
innermost center.
Everybody has become eccentric. This English word is very beautiful: it means off the center, and
we use it for the mad people. But everybody is eccentric, off the center, and the whole world is
helping you to be eccentric because everybody is prodding you. Your mother prodding you towards
north, your father towards south, your uncle is doing something else, your brother something else,
your wife, of course, something else – everybody is trying to force you somewhere. By and by, a
moment comes when you are nowhere. You remain just on the crossroads being pushed from north
to south, from south to east, from east to west, moving nowhere. By and by, this becomes your total
situation – you become eccentric. This is the situation. And if you go on listening to others and not
listening to your inner center, this situation will continue.
All meditation is to become centered, not to be eccentric, to come to your own center.
Listen to your inner voice, feel it, and move with that feeling. By and by, you can laugh at others’
opinions, or you can be simply indifferent. And once you become centered you become a powerful
being; then nobody can prod you, then nobody can push you anywhere – simply, nobody dares. You
are such a power, centered in yourself, that anybody who comes with an opinion simply forgets his
opinion near you; anybody who comes to push you somewhere simply forgets that he had come to
push. Rather, just coming near you he starts feeling overpowered by you.
That’s how even a single man can become so powerful that the whole society, the whole history,
cannot push him a single inch. That’s how a Buddha exists, a Jesus exists. You can kill a Jesus but
you cannot push him. You can destroy his body, but you cannot push him a single inch. Not that he
is adamant or stubborn, no, simply he is centered in his own being – and he knows what is good
for him, and he knows what is blissful for him. It has already happened; now you cannot allure him
towards new goals, no salesmanship can allure him to any other goal. He has found his home. He
can listen to you patiently but you cannot move him. He is centered.

This centering is the first thing towards being natural and loose; otherwise if you are natural and
loose, anybody will take you anywhere. That’s why the children are not allowed to be natural and
loose, they are not mature enough to be that. If they are natural and loose and running all around,
their life will be wasted. Hence, I say, society does a needful work: it makes them protected; a celllike
character becomes the citadel. They need it: they are very vulnerable, they may be destroyed
by anybody. The multitude is there, they will not be able to find their way – they need a character
But if that character armor becomes your total life, then you are lost. You should not become the
citadel, you should remain the master and you should remain capable of going out of it; otherwise it
is not a protection, it becomes a prison. You should be capable of going out of your character. You
should be capable of putting aside your principles. You should be capable, if the situation demands,
of responding in an absolutely novel way. If this capacity is lost then you become rigid, then you
cannot be loose. If this capacity is lost then you become unnatural, then you are not flexible.
Flexibility is youth, rigidity is old age; the more flexible, the younger; the more rigid, the older. Death
is absolute rigidity. Life is absolute looseness, flexibility.

This you have to remember and then try to understand Tilopa. His final words:
Very very significant words.

Knowledge is always either of this or of that. Understanding is neither. Knowledge is always of
duality: a man is good, he knows what good is; another man is bad, he knows what bad is – but
both are fragmentary, half. Neither the good man is whole because he does not know what bad is;
his goodness is poor, it lacks the insight that badness gives.... The bad man is also half; his badness
is poor, it is not rich because he does not know what goodness is. And life is both together.
A man of real understanding is neither good nor bad, he understands both. And in that very
understanding he transcends both. A sage is neither a good man nor a bad man. You cannot
confine him to any category; there exists no pigeon-hole for him, you cannot categorize him. He is
elusive, you cannot catch hold of him. And whatsoever you say about him will be half, it can never
be total. A sage may have friends and followers, and they will think he is God because they see
only the good part. And the sage may have enemies and foes, and they will think that he is the
devil incarnate because they know only the bad part. But if you know a sage he is neither – or both
together; and both mean the same.
If you are both together, good and bad, you are neither – because they annihilate each other, negate
each other, and a void is left.
This concept is very difficult for the Western mind to understand, because the Western mind has
divided God and the devil absolutely. Whatsoever is bad belongs to the devil and whatsoever is
good belongs to God; their territories are demarked, hell and heaven are apart... set apart.

That’s why Christian saints look a little poor before tantric sages, very poor; just good, simple – they
don’t know the other side of life. And that’s why they are always afraid of the other side, always
trembling with fear. A Christian saint is always praying for God to protect him from the evil. The evil
is always by the corner; he has avoided it and when you avoid something, continuously it is in the
mind. He is afraid, trembling.
A Tilopa knows no trembling, no fear, and he never goes to pray to God, ”Protect me”; he is
protected. What is his protection? Understanding is his protection. He has lived all, he has moved
to the farthest corner into evil, and he has lived the divine, and now he knows both are two aspects
of the same. And now he is neither worried about good nor worried about bad; now he lives a loose
and natural, simple life, he has no predetermined concepts. And he is unpredictable.
You cannot predict a Tilopa. You can predict Saint Augustine, you can predict other saints, but you
cannot predict a tantra sage. You cannot – simply unpredictable, because in each moment he will
respond and nobody knows in what way, nobody knows; even he himself does not know. That’s
the beauty of it, because if you know your future then you are not a free man, then you are moving
according to certain rules, then you have a prefabricated character; then somehow you have to
react, not respond.
Nobody can say what a Tilopa will do in a certain situation. It will depend; the whole situation will
bring the response. And he has no likings, no dislikings – neither this nor that. He will act, he will
not react; he will not react out of his past, he will not react according to his future concepts, of his
own ideals. No. He will not react, he will act here and now, the response will be total; nobody can
say what will happen.
Understanding transcends duality.
It is said that once Tilopa was staying in a cave and a passer-by, a seeker of a certain type, came
to visit him. He was taking his food and he was using a human skull as a pot. The traveler became
afraid. It was weird! – he had come to see a sage and this man seemed to be something of the
world of black magicians. A human skull... and he was enjoying; and a dog was sitting by the side
of Tilopa and the dog was also eating from the same pot. When this man came Tilopa invited him
to participate. ”Come here,” he said, ”so beautiful you reached in time because this is all that I have
got. Once it is finished then for twenty-four hours there is nothing. Only tomorrow somebody may
bring something. So you come and join in and participate.”
The man felt very much disgusted – a human skull, food in it, and a dog also a participant! The man
said, ”I feel disgusted.”
Tilopa said, ”Then you escape as soon as possible from here and run fast and never look back,
because then Tilopa is not for you. Why are you disgusted with this human skull? You have been
carrying it for so long and what is wrong if I am taking my food in it? It is one of the cleanest things.
You are not disgusted with your own skull inside – and your whole mind, your beautiful thoughts and
your morality and your goodness and your saintliness, all are in the skull. I am taking only my food
in it; and your heaven and your hell and your gods and your BRAHMA, all are in your skull. They
must have become absolutely dirty by now – you should be disgusted about that. And you yourself
are there in the skull. Why do you feel disgusted?”

The man tried to avoid and rationalize; he said, ”Not because of the skull but because of this dog.”
Tilopa laughed and said, ”You have been a dog in your past life and everybody has to pass through
all the stages. And what is wrong in being a dog? And what is the difference between you and
a dog? The same greed, the same sex, the same anger, the same violence, aggressiveness, the
same fear – why do you pretend that you are superior?”
Tilopa is difficult to understand because ugly and beautiful make no sense to him; purity, impurity
make no sense to him; good and bad make no sense to him. He has an understanding of the total.
Partial is knowledge, understanding is total. And when you look at the total, all distinctions drop:
What is ugly and what is beautiful? What is good and what is bad?
All distinctions simply drop if you have a bird’s-eye view of the total, then all boundaries disappear.
It is just like looking down from an airplane. Then where is Pakistan and where is India? And where
is England and where is Germany? All boundaries are lost, the whole earth becomes one.
And if you go still higher in a spaceship and look at it from the moon, the whole earth becomes so
small – where is Russia and where is America? And who is a communist and who is a capitalist?
Who is a Hindu and who is a Mohammedan? The higher you go, the less are the distinctions – and
understanding is the highest thing, there is no more beyond it. From that highest peak everything
becomes everything else. Things meet and merge and become one, boundaries are lost... an
unbounded ocean with no source to it... infinity.
Tilopa says be loose and natural – but he doesn’t mean be lazy and go to sleep. On the contrary,
when you are loose and natural much resourcefulness happens to you. You become tremendously
creative. Activity may not be there – action is there. Obsession with occupation may not be there,
will not be there, but you become tremendously resourceful, creative. You do millions of things, not
because of any obsession but just because you are so filled with energy you have to create.
Creativity comes easy to a man who is loose and natural. Whatsoever he does becomes a creative
phenomenon. Wherever he touches, it becomes a piece of art; whatsoever he says becomes a
poetry. His very movement is aesthetic. If you can see a buddha walking, even his walking is
creativity. Even through his walking he is creating a rhythm, even through his walking he is creating a
milieu, an atmosphere around him. If a buddha raises his hand he changes the climate immediately
around him. Not that he is doing these things, they are simply happening. He is not the doer. Calm,
settled inside; tranquil, collected, together inside, filled with infinite energy overpouring, overflowing
in all directions, his every moment is a moment of creativity, of cosmic creativity.
Remember that. It has to be remembered because many people can misunderstand. They can
think, ”No activity is needed,” so they can think, ”No action is needed.” Action has a different quality
altogether. Activity is pathological.
If you go in a madhouse you will see people in activity, every madman doing something, because
that is the only way they can forget themselves. You may find somebody washing his hands three
thousand times a day because he believes in cleanliness. In fact, if you stop him washing his hands
three thousand times a day he will be unable to stand himself, it will be too much. This is an escape.
Politicians, people who are after wealth, power – they are all mad people. You cannot stop them
because if you stop they don’t know what to do then; and then they are thrown into themselves, and
that is too much.
One of my friends was telling me once that they had to go to a certain party; and they have a very
small child, a beautiful child, and of course very active as children are. So they locked the room and
told him, ”If you behave well and don’t create any disturbance in the house, whatsoever you ask we
will give you, and within an hour we will be back.” The child was allured: whatsoever he can ask
will be given. So really he acted well. In fact, he didn’t do anything; he simply stood in the corner
because, ”Whatsoever I do may turn out... nobody knows, nobody knows about these adult minds
– what is wrong and what is good; and they go on changing their opinions also.” So he stood with
closed eyes just like a meditator.
And then they opened the door when they came back; he was standing in the corner, stiff. He
opened the eyes and looked at them, and they asked, ”Did you behave well?”
He said, ”Yes, in fact I behaved so well that I couldn’t stand myself.” It was too much!
People who are too occupied in activities are afraid of themselves. Activity is a sort of escape; they
can forget themselves in it. It is alcoholic, it is an intoxicant. Activity has to be dropped because it is
pathological, you are ill. Action has not to be dropped, action is beautiful.
What is action? Action is a response: when it is needed you act; when it is not needed you relax.
Right now you go on doing things which are not needed; and right now when you want to relax, you
cannot relax. A man of action, total action, acts; and when the situation is over he relaxes.
I am talking to you.... Talking can be either activity or action. There are people who cannot stop
talking: they go on, they go on. Even if you stop their mouths it will not make any difference INSIDE;
they will go on chattering, they cannot stop it. This is activity: a feverish obsession. You are here and
I talk to you: even I don’t know what I am going to talk about to you. Until the sentence is uttered,
even I am not aware what it is going to be. Not only are you the listeners, I am also a listener here.
When I have said something then I know that I have said it. Neither you can predict nor can I predict
what I am going to say; even the next sentence is not there, it is YOUR situation that brings it.
So whatsoever I say, I alone am not responsible, remember; you are also half responsible for it. It
is half-half: you create the situation, I act. So if my listeners change, my talk changes. It depends,
because I have nothing preformulated. I don’t know what is going to happen, and that’s why it is
beautiful for me also. It is a response, an act. When you are gone I sit inside my abode, not even a
single word floats in the inner sky. It is you.
So sometimes it happens people come to me and say, ”We were going to ask a certain question
and you answered it.” And every day it happens. It is happening: if you have a certain question,
you create a climate around you of that question, you come filled with that question. Then what
am I to do? I have to respond. Simply your question creates the situation and I have to respond.

That’s why many of your questions are simply solved. If some question is not solved the reason
must be somewhere in you; you may have forgotten it. In the morning it was in the mind but when
you entered this room you forgot about it. Or there were many questions and you were not certain
exactly which question is to be asked; you were in confusion, vague, cloudy. If YOU are certain
about your question the answer will be there.
It is nothing on my part, it simply happens. You create the question, I simply float into it. I have
to, because I have nothing to say to you. If I have something to say to you, you are irrelevant;
whatsoever question you have doesn’t make any sense – I have my prepared thing in me and I have
to tell it to you. Even if you are not there it will not make any sense.
The All-India Radio used to invite me to speak, but I felt it was very difficult because it was so
impersonal: talking to nobody! I simply said, ”This is not for me. And it is such a strain and I don’t
know what to do – there is nobody.” So they arranged... they said, ”This can be done: from our staff
a few people can come and they can sit.” But then I told them, ”Then you don’t give me the subject
because those people will give me the subject. This will be totally irrelevant – anybody sitting there
and you have given me a subject to talk on it and nobody is involved in that subject; they are just a
dead audience.”
When you are there you create the question, you create the situation and the answer flows towards
you. It is a personal phenomenon. Then I simply stopped going there. I said, ”This is not for me, it
is not possible. I cannot talk to machines, because they don’t create any situation for me to float in.
I can talk only to persons.”
That’s why I have never written a book. I cannot! – because for whom? Who will read it? Unless I
know that man who will read it, and unless he creates a situation, I cannot write – for whom? I have
written only letters, because then I know that I am writing to somebody. He may be somewhere
in the United States, it makes no difference – the moment I write a letter to him it is a personal
phenomenon: he is there. While I am writing he helps me to write. Without him it is not possible; it
is a dialogue.
This is action. The moment you are gone, all language disappears from me; no words float, they are
not needed. And this should be so! When you walk you use your legs and when you sit in your chair
what is the point of moving your legs? It is mad! When there is a dialogue, words are needed; when
there is a situation, action is needed. But let the whole decide it; you should not be the deciding
factor, you should not decide. Then there are no karmas, then you move, from moment to moment,
fresh. The past dies by itself every moment, and the future is born and you move into it fresh like a
Actions happen but there is no attachment; you don’t feel, ”I have done this.” I don’t feel I have said
this. I simply feel it had been spoken, it has happened. The whole has done it, and the whole is
neither me nor you – the whole is both and neither. And the whole hovers around and the whole
decides: you are not the doer. Much happens through you, but you are not the doer. Much is
created through you, but you are not the creator. The whole remains the creator – you become
simply vehicles, mediums for the whole. A hollow bamboo... and the whole puts his fingers and his
lips on it and it becomes a flute, and a song is born.

From where does this song come? From that hollow bamboo you call a ”flute”? No. From the lips
of the whole? No. From where does it come? Everything is involved: the hollow bamboo is also
involved, the lips of the whole are also involved, the singer is involved, the listener is involved –
everything is involved. Even a small thing can create a difference.
Just a roseflower by the side of the room and this room will not be the same, because the roseflower
has his own aura, his own being. He will influence: he will influence your understanding, he will
influence whatsoever is spoken by me – and the total moves, not parts. Much happens but nobody
is the doer.
And when you are not the doer how can the attachment happen? You do a small thing and you
become attached. You say, ”I have done this.” You would like everybody to know that you have done
this and you have done that. This ego is the barrier for the supreme understanding. Drop the doer
and let things happen. That’s what Tilopa means by being loose and natural.
This is a very deep thing, very subtle and delicate. Tilopa says, ”What is the supreme
accomplishment? It is to realize immanence without hope; that inside, the inner space is perfect,
absolute – without hope. Why does he bring this word ”hope” in? – because with the hope comes
future, with the hope comes desire, with the hope comes the effort to improve, with the hope comes
the greed for more, with the hope comes discontentment, and then, of course, frustration follows.
He is not saying be hopeless, because that too comes with hope. He is simply saying ”no hope”; not
hopeful, not hopeless – because they both come with the hope. And this has become such a great
problem for the West, because Buddha says the same, and then Western thinkers think that these
people are pessimists. They are not. They are not pessimists, they are not optimists. And this is the
meaning of ”no hope.”
If somebody hopes we call him an optimist. We say about him that he can see the silver lining in
the darkest cloud, we say that he can see the morning following the darkest night: he is an optimist.
And then there is the pessimist, just the opposite of it. Even in the brightest silver lining he will
always see the darkest cloud there. If you talk about the morning he will say, ”Every morning ends
in the evening.” But remember: they may be opposites but they are not really separate; their focus
is different but their mind is the same. Whether you see the bright lining, the silver lining in the dark
cloud, or you see the dark cloud in the silver lining, you always see the part. Your division is there;
you choose, you never see the total.
Buddha, Tilopa, myself, we are neither optimists nor pessimists – we simply drop hope. With hope
they come in – both the optimist and the pessimist. We simply drop the coin of hope, and both the
aspects are dropped with it. This is a totally new dimension, difficult to understand.
Tilopa sees the suchness of things; he is without choice. He sees both the morning and the evening
together, he sees both the thorns and the flower together, he sees both the pain and the pleasure
together, he sees both the birth and death together. He has no choice of his own. He is neither
a pessimist nor an optimist – he lives without hope. And that is a really wonderful dimension to
live in: to live without hope. The very words ”without hope” are used... simply inside you it feels
it is something so pessimistic, but that is because of the language – and what Tilopa is saying is
WITHOUT HOPE. You simply realize yourself as you are in your total suchness, and simply you are
that. There is no need for any improvement, change, development, growth, no need. Nothing can
be done about it. It is simply the case.
Once you go deeply into this – that it is simply the case – suddenly all flowers and all thorns
disappear, days and nights disappear, life and death disappear, summer and winter disappear.
Nothing is left – because the clinging disappears. And with the acceptance of whatsoever you are,
whatsoever is the case, there is no problem then, no question, nothing to be solved – you simply are
that. A celebration comes; and this celebration is not of hope, this celebration is just an overflowing
of the energy. You start blooming. You simply bloom, not for something in the future; you cannot do
When one realizes the suchness of being, the blooming happens; one goes on blooming and
blooming and celebrating for no visible cause at all. Why am I happy? What have I got that you
have not got? Why am I serene and quiet? Have I achieved something that you have to achieve?
Have I attained to something that you have to attain? No. I have simply relaxed into the suchness.
Whatsoever I am – good, bad, moral, immoral – whatsoever I am, I have simply relaxed into the
suchness of it. And I have dropped all efforts to improve, and I have dropped all future. I have
dropped hope, and with the dropping of hope everything has disappeared. I am alone and simply
happy for no reason at all; simply silent because now, without hope, I don’t know how to create
disturbance. Without hope how can you create disturbance in your being?
Remember this: all effort will lead you to a point where you leave all effort and will become effortless.
And the whole search will lead you to a point where you simply shrug your shoulders and sit down
under a tree and settle.
Every journey ends in the innermost suchness of being – and that you have every moment. So it is
only a question of becoming a little more aware. What is wrong with you? I have seen millions of
people and I have not seen even a single person who has really something wrong, but he creates
things. You are creators, great creators of illnesses, wrongs, problems, and then you chase them –
how to solve them? First you create and then you go chasing. Why in the first place create them?
Just drop hope, desire, and simply look at the case that you are already; just simply close your eyes
and see who you are, and finished! Even in the blinking of the eye this is possible, it needs no time.
If you are thinking it needs time, gradual growth. Then it is because of your mind you will need time,
otherwise time is not needed.
... that all that is to be achieved is in. That is the meaning of immanence: all that is to be achieved
is already there inside you. You are born perfect; otherwise is not possible because you are born of
the perfect. That is the meaning when Jesus says, ”I and my Father are one.” What is he saying?
He is saying that you cannot be otherwise than the whole because you come out of the whole.

You take a handful of water from the ocean, you taste it: it tastes the same everywhere. In a single
drop of seawater you can find the whole chemistry of the sea. If you can understand a single drop of
seawater you have understood all seas, past, future, present – because a small drop is a miniature
ocean. And you are the whole in a miniature form.
When you go deeper inside you and realize this, suddenly a laughter happens, you start laughing.
What were you seeking? The seeker himself was the sought; the traveler was himself the goal. This
is the suprememost accomplishment: to realize oneself, one’s absolute perfection, without hope –
because if a hope is there it will stir; it will continually stir in your disturbance. You will start thinking
again, ”Something more is possible.” Hope always creates dreams: ”Something more is possible.
Of course it is good....”
People come to me and they say, ”Meditation is going very well; of course, it is good, but give
us some other technique so that we can grow more.” Even sometimes people have come to me
saying, ”Everything is beautiful....” And then they say, ”Now what?” Now the hope stirs. Everything
is beautiful, then why ask, ”Now what?” Everything was wrong, then again you were asking, ”Now
what?” And now everything is beautiful, again you ask, ”Now what?” Now leave it, this hope.
Just the other day somebody came, and said, ”Everything is going very beautifully now, but who
knows about tomorrow?” Why bring tomorrow in when everything is going absolutely right? Can’t
you remain without problems? Now everything is good, but you worry whether it may be good
tomorrow or not. If it is good today from where is the tomorrow going to come? It will be born out of
today, so why be worried? If today is silent, tomorrow is going to be more silent; it will be born out of
today. But because of this worry you can destroy today; then the tomorrow will be there and you will
be fulfilled in your frustration and you will say, ”This is what I was thinking and worried about – it has
happened.” And it has happened because of you. It was not going to happen! Had you remained
without the future, it would not have happened.
And this is the self-destructive tendency of the mind, suicidal; and in a way it is very self-fulfilling, so
the mind can always say, ”I was warning you before. I had warned you beforehand, you didn’t listen
to me.” Now you will think, ”Yes, that’s right; the mind was warning and I was not listening to it.” But
it has come only because of the warning of the mind.
Many things happen.... If you go to the astrologers, JYOTISHI, palmists, and they say something
to you, when it happens you will think they predicted your future. Just the opposite is the case:
because they predicted, your mind got into it and it happened. If somebody says that next month
on the thirteenth of March you are going to die, the possibility is there – not because he had known
your future, but because he has predicted the future. Now the thirteenth of March will move in your
mind continuously: you will not be able to sleep without it, you will not be able to dream without it,
you will not be able to love without it. Twenty-fours hours: ”The thirteenth of March and I am going to
die.” It will become a self-hypnosis, a chanting. It will go round and round; the nearer the thirteenth
of March will come, the faster it will move. And it will self-fulfill: thirteenth of March....
It happened once that a German palmist predicted his own death. He had been predicting many
people’s death and it happened, so he became certain that his prediction was something; otherwise,
how was it happening? And he was getting old so a few friends suggested, ”Why not predict your
own?” So he studied the hands and charts and everything – all foolish – and then he decided about
his own death: that it was going to happen on such and such a date, six o’clock early in the morning.
And then he waited for it. Six was approaching; from five o’clock he was ready, sitting at the clock.
Each moment, and death was coming nearer and nearer and nearer. And then came just the last
moment – one moment more and the clock would say it is six, and he is still alive, how is it possible?
Seconds started passing, and exactly when the clock struck six he jumped out of the window...
because how is it possible.... And of course, he died exactly as predicted.
Mind has a self-fulfilling mechanism. Be alert about it. You are happy; the mind says, ”Of course,
you are happy, it is okay – but what about tomorrow?” Now already the mind has distorted, destroyed
this moment, it has brought tomorrow in. Now the tomorrow will come out of this mind, not out of
that blissful moment that was there.
Don’t hope this way or that, for or against, drop all hope. Remain to the moment, in the moment,
with the moment, for the moment. There is no other moment than this. And whatsoever is going to
happen will happen out of this moment, so why worry? If this moment is beautiful how can the next
moment be ugly? From where will it come? It grows, it will be more beautiful – has to be. There is
no need to think about it.
And once you accomplish this, remaining with your innate perfection.... Remember, I have to use
words and there is a danger that you may misunderstand. When I say remain with your inner
perfection you may be worried because sometimes you may feel that you are not perfect – then
remain with your imperfection. Imperfection is also perfect! Nothing is wrong in it, remain with it.
Don’t move away from THIS moment; here and now is the whole existence. Everything that has
to be accomplished is to be accomplished here and now, so whatsoever is the case, even if you
feel imperfect – beautiful, be imperfect! That’s how you are, that is your suchness. You feel sexual
– perfect, feel sexual. That’s how you are, that’s how God meant you to be. Sad – beautiful, be
sad, but don’t move from the moment. Remain with the moment and, by and by, you will feel the
imperfection has dissolved into perfection, the sex has dissolved into the inner ecstasy, the anger
has dissolved into compassion.
This moment, if you can be your total being, then there is no problem. This is the supreme
accomplishment. It has no hope, it need not have. It is so perfect there is no need for hope.
Hope is not a good situation; hoping always means something is wrong with you – that’s why you
hope for the against, for the opposite. You are sad and you hope for happiness; your hope says that
you are sad. You feel ugly and you hope for a beautiful personality; your hope says you are ugly.

Show me your hope and I can tell you who you are, because your hope immediately shows who you
are – just the opposite. Drop hope and just be. At first, if you try this, just being, this will happen:
If you are being here and now, the first SATORI will happen, the first glimpse of enlightenment. And
this will be the situation inside:

because your mind starts melting. Right now it is like a frozen glacier. If you remain loose, natural,
true to the moment, authentically here and now, the mind starts melting. You have brought sun
energy to it. This very being in the here and now conserves such a vast energy. Not moving in the
future, not moving in the past, you have so much, tremendous energy in you, that the very energy
starts melting the mind.
Energy is fire, energy is of the sun. When you are not moving anywhere, completely still, here and
now – no going, converging upon yourself – all leakage stops, because leakage is through desire
and hope. You leak because of the future. Leakage is because of a motivation: ”Do something, be
something, have something. Why are you wasting your time sitting? Go! Move! Do!” – then there
is leakage. If you are simply here, how can you leak? Energy converges, falls back upon you, it
becomes a circle of fire – and then the glacier of the mind starts melting.
Everything falls. The whole mind is falling, falling, falling – you may be scared. Near the first satori
the master is needed very very deeply and intimately, because who will tell you, ”Don’t be afraid; it
is beautiful – fall”?
Just the word ”fall” and fear comes in, because falling means falling into an abyss, losing your
ground, moving into the unknown. And falling carries a sense of death – one becomes afraid.
Have you ever gone to some mountains, a high peak, and from there you looked down into the
abyss, the valley?Nausea, trembling, fear comes in as if the abyss is death and you can fall into it.
When the mind melts everything starts falling, EVERYTHING I say. Your love, your ego, your greed,
your anger, your hate – all that you have been up to now suddenly starts becoming loose and falling,
as if the house is falling apart. You become a chaos – no more order, all discipline falling. You have
been maintaining yourself somehow; somehow you were together forcing a control upon yourself, a
discipline. Now being loose and natural everything is falling. Many things that you have suppressed
will bubble up, they will surface. You will find a chaos all around; you will be just like a madman.
The first step is really difficult to pass through, because whatsoever society has forced on you will
fall, whatsoever you have learned will fall, whatsoever you have conditioned yourself will fall. All your
habits, all your directions – all your paths will simply disappear. Your identity will evaporate; you will
not be able to know who you are. Up to now you knew well who you were: your name, your family,
your status in the world, your prestige, your honor, this and that: you were aware of them. Now
suddenly everything is melting, the identity is lost. You knew many things, now you will not know
anything. You were wise in the ways of the world; they will fall and you will feel completely ignorant.
This is what happened to Socrates. That was his first satori moment, when he said, ”Now I know
only one thing, that I don’t know anything. Only one knowledge I have, that I am ignorant.” This is
the first satori.
Sufis have a particular term for this man, this type of man, who comes to this state; they call him
MAST, they call him the madman. He looks at you without looking at you. He roams around not
knowing where he is going. He talks nonsense. He cannot keep a relevant coherence in his talk.
One word and then a gap; then another word absolutely unrelated; one sentence, then another
sentence not connected at all – no coherence, all consistency is lost. He becomes a contradiction;
you cannot rely on him.

For these moments a school is needed, where people can take care of you. Ashrams came into
existence because of this – because this man cannot be allowed in the society, otherwise they will
think he is mad and they will force him into a prison or a madhouse, and they will try to treat him.
They will try to bring him down, back to his normal state – and he is growing! He has broken all the
chains of the society; he has become a chaos.
Hence my insistence on chaotic meditations. They will help you to come to this first satori. From
the very beginning you cannot sit silently; you can befool, but you cannot sit, that is not possible.
That can happen only in the second satori. In the first satori you have to be chaotic, dynamic; you
have to allow your energies to move so that all strait-jackets around you are broken and all chains
are thrown away. You become for the first time an outsider, no more part of the society. A school is
needed where care can be taken of you. A master is needed who can say to you, ”Don’t be afraid,”
who can tell you to fall easily. Allow it to happen; don’t cling to something because that will only
delay the moment – fall! The sooner you fall, the madness will disappear sooner; if you delay, then
the madness can be continued for long.
There are millions of mad people in the madhouses in the whole world who are not in fact mad, who
needed a master, who don’t need a psychotherapist. They have attained their first satori, and all
psychotherapies are forcing them back to be normal. They are in a better situation than you; they
have reached a growth, but the growth is so outlandish – it has to be so in the beginning, they are
passing the first satori – and you have made them guilty. You say, ”You are mad!” – and they try to
hide it and they try to cling, and the longer they cling, the longer the madness will follow them.
Only just recently a few psychoanalysts, particularly R.D. Laing and others, have become aware of
the phenomenon that a few mad people have not fallen lower than the normal, really they have gone
beyond the normal. Just a few people in the West, very perceptive people, have become aware
of it – but the East has always been aware, and the East has never suppressed mad people. The
first thing the East will do: the mad people have to be brought to a school where many people are
working and a living master is there. The first thing is to help them to attain a satori.
Mad people have been respected highly in the East; in the West they are simply condemned, forced
to have electric shocks, insulin shocks, forced somehow even if their brains are destroyed – because
now there are surgical things going on. Their brain is operated on and a few parts of the brain are
removed. Of course then they become normal, but dull, idiotic, their intelligence is lost. They are no
more mad, they will not harm anybody; they will become a silent part of the society – but you have
killed them not knowing that they were reaching a point from where a man becomes superhuman.
But of course, the chaos has to be passed.
With a loving master and a loving group of people in a school, in an ashram, it passes easily,
everybody takes it easily, helps it; one moves to the second stage easily. This has to happen
because all order is imposed on you, it is not real order. All discipline is forced on you, it is not your
inner discipline. Before you attain to the inner, the outer has to be dropped; before a new order is
born, the old has to cease – and there will be a gap. That gap is madness. One feels like tumbling,
falling like a waterfall into the abyss, and there seems to be no bottom to it.

In mid-course if this point is passed, if the first satori is lived well, then a new order arises that is
from within, that comes from your own being. Now it is no more of the society, it is not given to you
by others, it is not an imprisonment. Now a new order arises which has a quality of freedom. A
discipline comes to you naturally, it is of your own. Nobody asks it of you, nobody says, ”Do this!” –
you simply do the right thing.
The tumbling, the roaring waterfall has disappeared, the chaos is no more. This is the second satori.
You become like the Ganges, flowing gently, slowly; not even a sound is created. You walk like a
bridegroom, silently, gracefully. An absolutely new charm happens to your being – grace, elegance.
This is the second stage in which we have caught all the buddhas in the statues; because the third
cannot be caught, only the second or the first.
All the buddhas, TIRTHANKARAS of the Jainas – go and look at their statues: the elegance, the
grace, the subtle roundness of their bodies, feminine. They don’t look masculine, they look feminine;
a roundness, their curvature is feminine. That shows their inner being has become very slow, very
gentle; nothing of aggression in them.
Zen masters – Bodhidharma, Rinzai, Bokuju – they have been pictured in the first state. That’s why
they are so ferocious. They look like roaring lions, they look like they will kill you. If you look at their
eyes, their eyes are volcanoes, fire jumps at you; they are like shocks. They have been pictured in
the first satori state for certain reasons, because Zen people know that the first is the problem; and if
you know Bodhidharma in this state, when the same state will happen to you you will understand not
to be afraid; even Bodhidharma.... But if you have been always watching buddhas and tirthankaras
in their silent and slow-flowing rivers and their feminine grace, you will become very much afraid
when ferociousness comes to you, when you become like a lion – exactly: one starts roaring. You
become a waterfall – tremendous!
That’s why in Zen the ferocious state has been pictured more and more. Of course there were
buddhas in the shrine, but that is the next state. And that is not a problem at all; when you become
silent there is no problem. In India the second stage has been emphasized too much and that
became a barrier, because one should know from the very beginning how things are. A buddha is
already an accomplished being. It can happen to you, but in the gap from you to Buddha something
else is going to happen – and that is complete madness.
What happens when you accept all madness, you allow it? – it subsides by itself. The old order that
society forced, goes, simply evaporates. Old knowledge is no more there; all that you knew about
the scriptures is no more there. There is a Zen monk burning all scriptures – his picture is one of
the most famous pictures. That comes in the first state. One burns all the scriptures, one throws
all knowledge; everything that has been given to you looks rubbish, rot. Now your own wisdom is
arising; there is no need to borrow it from anybody. But it will take a little time, just like a seed takes
time, to sprout.
If you can manage to pass through the chaotic state, then the second follows very very easily,
automatically, of its own accord. You become silent, everything is calmed down, just like the Ganges
when it comes to the plains. In the hills it is roaring like a lion, falling from great heights into depths,
much turmoil; and then it comes to the plains, leaves the hills. Now the terrain changes, now
everything flows silently. You cannot even see whether it is flowing or not; everything moves as if it
is not moving, at ease.

Attain to inner accomplishment, innate, with no hope – not going to any goal, not in any hurry, no
haste; just enjoying... each moment.
This second stage has the quality of absolute silence, calm, quietude, tranquility, collectedness,
at-homeness, rest, relaxation.
And then:
Then suddenly, flowing silently, it reaches to the ocean and becomes one with the ocean – a vast
expanse, no boundaries. Now it is no longer a river, now it is no longer an individual unit, now there
is no ego.
Even in the second stage there is a very very subtle ego. Hindus have two names: one they call
AHAMKAR, ego, that’s what you have; the second they call ASMITA, amness, no ego. When you
say, ”I am,” not the ”I,” but simply ”am,” amness, they call it asmita. It is a very very silent ego, nobody
will feel it, it is very passive, not aggressive. It will not leave any trace anywhere, but it is still there.
One feels one is.
That’s why it is called the second satori: the Ganges is flowing silently of course, at home, at peace,
but still it is; it is asmita, it is amness. The ”I” has dropped and all the madness of the ”I” has gone;
the aggressive, the ferocious ”I” is no more there, but a very silent amness follows, because the river
has banks and the river has boundaries. It is still separate, it has its own individuality.
With the ego, personality drops but individuality remains. Personality is the outer individuality.
Individuality is the inner personality. Personality is for others, it is a showroom thing, a display.
That has dropped; that is the ego. But this inner feeling, ”I am” or rather ”am,” is not for display,
nobody will be able to see it. It will not interfere with anybody’s life; it will not poke its nose into
anybody’s affairs. Simply it moves, but it is still there – because the Ganges exists as an individual.
Then the individuality is also lost. That is the third word: ATMA. Ahamkar is ego, the ”I-ness”; the
”am” is just a shadow of it, the ”I” is focused. Then the second state, asmita: the ”I” has dropped;
now the amness has become the total, not a shadow. And then atma: now the amness has also
This is what Tilopa calls no-self. You ARE, but without any self; you are, but without any boundaries.
The river has become the ocean; the river is in the ocean, it has become one with it. The individuality
is no more there, no boundaries, but the being exists as a nonbeing. It has become a vast emptiness.
It has become just like the sky.

The ego was like black clouds all over the sky. The amness, asmita, was like white clouds in the sky.
And atma is as if without clouds, only the sky has remained.
Where you come back to the original source, the mother, the circle is complete. You have come
back home, dissolved with the original source. The Ganges has come to Gangotri, the river has
come to its original source: the complete circle. Now you are, but in such a totally different sense
that it is better to say that you are not.
This is the most paradoxical state because it is most difficult to bring it into language and expression.
One has to taste it. This is what Tilopa calls Mahamudra – the great orgasm, the ultimate orgasm,
the supreme orgasm. You have come back from where you had gone. The journey is over, and not
only the journey is over, but also the journeyman is no more. Not only the journey is over as a path,
but the goal is also over.
Now nothing exists and everything is.
Remember this distinction. A table exists, a house exists – but God IS; because a table can go into
nonexistence, a house can go into nonexistence, but the God cannot. So it is not good to say that
God exists; God simply is. It cannot go into nonexistence. It is pure isness. This is Mahamudra.
All that exists has disappeared, only isness remains.
The body has disappeared, it existed. The mind has disappeared, it existed. The path has
disappeared, it existed. The goal has disappeared. All that existed has disappeared, only purity
of isness is there – an empty mirror, an empty sky, an empty being.
This is what Tilopa calls Mahamudra. This is the supreme, the last, there is no beyond to it. It is the
very ”beyondness.”
Remember these three stages; you will have to pass through them. Chaos, everything gone topsyturvy;
you are no more identified with anything, everything has become loose and fallen apart – you
are completely mad. Watch it, allow it, pass through it, don’t be scared; and when I am here you
need not be scared. I know it will pass, I know it always passes, I can assure you. And unless it
passes, the grace, the elegance, the silence of a buddha will not happen to you.
Let it pass. It will be a nightmare, of course, but let it pass. With that nightmare all your past will
be cleansed. It will be a tremendous catharsis. All your past will pass through a fire, but you will
become pure gold.
Then comes the second state. The first has to be passed because you may get scared and run
away from it. The second also has a different kind of danger, an absolutely different kind; not at all
a danger. The first has to be passed; you have to be aware that it will pass. It will pass, just time is
needed, and trust. The second has a different kind of danger: you would like to cling to it because it
is so beautiful; one would like to be in it forever and ever. When the inner river flows calm and quiet
one wants to cling to the banks; one wants not to go anywhere else, this is so good. In a way it is a
greater danger.
A master has to assure you that the first will pass, and a master has to force you so that you don’t
cling to the second, because if you cling, the Mahamudra will never happen to you. There are many
people clinging to the second, they are hanging on to it. There are many people who are hanging
on to the second because they have become so attached to it. It is so beautiful one would like to fall
in love with it; one falls automatically. Aware, remain aware – that too has to be passed. Watch so
that you don’t start clinging.
If you can watch your fear with the first and your greed with the second.... Remember, fear and
greed are two aspects of the same coin. In fear you want to escape from something, in greed you
want to cling to it, but they are both the same. Watch fear, watch greed and allow the movement
to continue; don’t try to stop it. You can become stagnant, then the Ganges becomes not a flowing
thing – a stagnant pool. Howsoever beautiful, it will be dead soon. It will become dirty, it will dry up
and soon all that was gained will be lost.
Go on moving. The movement has to be eternal – keep it in mind. It is an endless journey, more is
always possible; allow it to happen. Don’t hope for it, don’t ask for it, don’t go ahead of yourself, but
allow it to happen, because then the third danger comes when the Ganges falls into the ocean, and
that is the last because you will be losing yourself.
That is the ultimate death. It appears like the ultimate death. Even the Ganges shudders, trembles
before it falls; even the Ganges looks backwards, thinks of past days and memories, and the
beautiful time on the plains and the tremendous energy phenomenon in the hills and the glaciers.
At the last moment when the Ganges is going to fall into the ocean, it lingers a little while more. It
wants to look back, think over memories, beautiful experiences. That has to be also watched. Don’t
When the ocean comes, allow: merge, melt, disappear.
Only at the last point can you say goodbye to the master, never before it. Say goodbye to the master
and become the ocean. But up to that moment you need the hand of somebody who knows.
There is a tendency in the mind to avoid intimate relationship with the master; that’s what becomes
a barrier in taking sannyas. You would like to remain uncommitted; you would like to learn, but you
would like to remain uncommitted. But you cannot learn, that is not the way; you cannot learn from
the outside. You have to enter the inner shrine of a master’s being. You have to commit yourself.
Without it you cannot grow.

Without it you can learn a little bit from here and there, and you can accumulate a certain knowledge
– that will not be of any help, rather it may become an encumbrance. A deep commitment is needed,
a total commitment in fact, because there are many things going to happen. And if you are just
outside on the periphery, just learning as a casual visitor, then much is not possible, because what
will happen to you when the first satori comes? What will happen to you when you go mad? And
you are not losing anything when you commit yourself to a master because you don’t have anything
to lose. By your commitment you are simply gaining; you are not losing anything because you don’t
have anything to lose. You have nothing to be afraid of. But still, still one wants to be very clever,
and one wants to learn without commitment. That has never happened, because it is not possible.

Osho -
Tantra The Suprem Understanding
20 February 1975 am in Buddha Hall