Sunday 28 August 2022

The true master creates discontent in you

 "The true master creates discontent in you ... 

and such a discontent that nothing of this world can ever satisfy it.

 He creates such a longing in you, 

that unless you attain to the ultimate you will remain aflame, afire.

 He creates pain in your heart, he creates anguish ... 

because life is slipping by every moment,

 and each moment gone is gone forever, 

and you have not attained to God yet, and one day is over.

 He creates such a deep longing in you,

 such pain in the heart! 

He creates tears in your eyes, 

because only through such divine discontent will you move, 

will you take the quantum leap,

 the ultimate jump into the unknown.

 It is only through such divine discontent that you will gather together all your energies, and you will risk, 

and you will go on the ultimate adventure of finding who you are. Follow your own nature. 

Your nature is consciousness. " - Osho