Monday 11 January 2016

"This whole life is a challenge to growth.
That is true religion and that is true psychology too - because a true religion cannot be anything other than a true psychology.

I call that psychology 'the psychology of the Buddhas'. It does not make you feel guilty; it accepts you, it loves you, but it doesn't make you feel proud to be as you are.

It gives you a great challenge to be more than you are. It gives you a divine discontent. It makes you aflame with a desire to go higher and higher - not higher than others, but higher than yourself.

Tomorrow should not be just a repetition of today -
 that is the meaning of divine discontent. Today should not be just a repetition of yesterday, otherwise you have not lived. 
Today must bring some new gifts to you, some new flowers, some new rays. Some new windows MUST open today." 

(Excerpt from "The Secret of Secrets)

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