“People are miserable all over the world because they have chosen distrust. From their very childhood they have been told, ‘Don’t trust, because if you trust you will be cheated. The world is full of cunning people, so remain alert, don’t trust. Trust only when you have found someone, checked all the possibilities of the person and found that yes, he is trustworthy. Then trust.
So don’t trust in ..
Don’t trust in anybody in particular.
Simply trust.
Let it be your fragrance
Trust is tremendously powerful.
So there is no question of accepting anything or not. The question is of growing trust as a quality of your being.
When the rose opens, its fragrance starts flowing all around. It is not addressed to anyone in particular. If the king passes by he will receive it; if a beggar passes by he will receive it. If a thief passes by he will receive it. If a murderer passes by he will receive it. For the rose it makes no difference who is receiving it.
Trust is the fragrance of a silent, peaceful being.
Trust is the fragrance of nothingness.
Trust Is Unconditional
It simply says that, ‘I have that quality which trusts. Now, it is irrelevant what happens to my trust – whether it is respected or not, whether it is deceived or not. That is not the point at all.
Trust has nothing to do with the object of trust; it has something to do with your inner quality: can you trust? If you can trust, of course the first trust will happen about yourself – you trust yourself. The first thing has to happen at the deepest core of your being. If you don’t trust yourself then everything is very far away. Then I am very far away from you. How can you trust me? You have not trusted even yourself who is so close. And how can you trust your trust about me if you don’t trust yourself?
If you don’t trust yourself, whatsoever you do, a deep mistrust will continue as an undercurrent. If you trust yourself, you trust the whole life – not only me, because why only me? Trust is all-inclusive. Trust means: trust in life, the whole that surrounds you, the whole out of which you have come, and the whole into which one day you will dissolve.
The greater you trust, the
greater guilt the person who
deceives you will have. and
there is a chance that this
guilt will change that person
- he will have a change of heart.
trust is tremendously
Osho- Yoga: The Supreme Science
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