Monday 28 October 2019

The great mystic, Rabia of Basra, was immensely beautiful. And a beauty not of this world. Once a rich young man from Iran comes to Basra. He asks people, “Is there anything that is out of the way, something special here?”

“Yes,” they all tell him. “We have the most beautiful woman in the world!”

The young man naturally becomes interested and he asks, “Where can I find her?”

And they all laugh and say, “Well, where else?… in a brothel!”

That repulses the rich young man, but finally, he decides to go. And when he gets there, the matron asks for an exorbitant fee. He pays the fee and is ushered in. There, in a silent and simple room, a figure is praying. What beauty she has! He has never seen such beauty and grace, not even in his dreams. Just to be there is a benediction, and the prayerful atmosphere starts affecting him. He forgets about his passion. He is entering into another kind of space. He is drugged. He is turned on to God.

An hour passes and he intensely feels he is in a temple! Oh, such joy and such purity! He goes on feasting on her beauty. But it is no more the beauty of a human being – it is God’s beauty. It no more has anything to do with the body – it is utterly other-worldly.

And then Rabia opens her eyes, those lotus eyes, and he looks into them, and there is no woman in front of him – he is facing God. And this way the whole night passes, as if it were only a moment.

The sun is rising and its rays are coming through the windows, and he feels it is time to go. He says to Rabia, “I am your slave. Tell me anything, anything in the world that I can do for you.”

She says, “I have only one little request.”

He asks, “What is it?”

Rabia says, “Never tell anybody what you have seen and experienced here. Allow the people to come to me – this beauty is nothing but a trap set for them. I use it as a door for them to enter God. Please, promise me that you will never tell others what you have experienced here tonight. Let them come to a whore and a brothel because otherwise, they will never come to me.”

“Oh!” he says, “So this is the secret of this city. The whole city clamours after your beauty, yet nobody tells me about his experience.”

Rabia laughs and says, “Yes, I extract the promise, this promise, from all of them.”

Rabia used her beauty as a trap. Buddha used his words as a trap. Krishna used his flute as a trap. Meera used her dance as a trap.
The young man was not in search of God, but he became interested in a beautiful body, in a beautiful woman – and was trapped. He had gone there because of his passion.
Once he was there in the presence of Rabia, the passion started changing – it became prayer.

– Osho Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without Mind

"O man, you are searching God outside,
but He is already residing in you.
You have to go within and to get the contact with the Godpower."
From all outward appearances we look different but actually we are all one. We came in the same way and have to go back the same way. We live at different places, but our true home is the same. When the soul has learned to proceed on the inner path it cannot live without the fresh food from the Almighty Power. Those who got the spiritual colour of the inner way are just like a vessel full of grace, hidden in the ocean of grace.
Surinder Kaur
With these few words Unity of Man invites you to engage yourself with the subject spirituality, so as to understand it's true significance. Actually, it is the most important but also the most neglected subject of our life.
Most of the text passages of this website are quotations from talks and literature of Sant Kirpal Singh and Dr. Harbhajan Singh. If a man of God-realization talks about spiritual subjects, he speaks out of his own experience, therefore, his words are charged. This is why they touch our heart. They help our soul to awake its innate discrimination power and to use one’s free will in favor of the inner man.

God is described as the one supreme being, the unmanifest-manifested, the eternal verity, the conscious spirit pervading all forms that emanate from Him – He upholding all creation, but is immanent in every form.
God is nameless, absolute, but when He wished to become from one to many, His power came into expression. That power is known as Naam in the terms of the Masters. It is also known as Shabd, as Kalma, as Word, and other names. That power is the creator of all things, it is controlling all things.
God is an ocean of all consciousness. We are of the same essence as that of God: a drop of the ocean of all consciousness.
Sant Kirpal Singh
What is God, and how can we know Him?
"He is One, He is the First. He is all that is. His name is Truth. He is the Creator of all,
fearing naught striking fear in naught. His form on lands and waters is Eternity; the One Self-existent.
Through the grace of His true servant, continually repeat His Name. He was in the beginning; He is through all ages,
And He shall be the One who lives forever more."

Любовь приносит свободу. Преданность приносит рабство.

Ложные Ценности

Очень фундаментальная вещь, которую нужно помнить: человек очень хитер в том, чтобы создавать ложные ценности. Настоящие ценности требуют твоей тотальности, требуют всего твоего существа; ложные ценности очень дешевы. Они выглядят как реальные, но не требуют твоей тотальности - это только поверхностная формальность.

Например, вместо любви, доверия мы создали ложную ценность "преданность". Преданный человек по видимости кажется любящим. Он проделывает все жесты любви, но ничего под ними не подразумевает; его сердце вне этих формальных жестов.

Раб предан - но думаете ли вы, что каждый, кто порабощен, у кого отнято человеческое достоинство и гордость, может так глубоко любить человека, причинившего ему такой глубокий вред? Он ненавидит его, и если у него будет возможность, он его убьет! Но на поверхности он остается преданным - он вынужден. Это не из радости, это из страха. Это не из любви, это обусловленный ум говорит, что ты должен быть верным своему хозяину. Это преданность собаки хозяину.

Для любви необходим более тотальный отклик. Она приходит не из чувства долга, но из биений твоего собственного сердца, из твоего собственного опыта радости, из желания ею поделиться. Преданность - это что-то уродливое. Тысячи лет это было очень респектабельной ценностью общества, потому что общество разными способами порабощало людей. Жена должна быть преданной мужу - до такой степени, что в Индии миллионы женщин умирали со смертью мужа, прыгая живыми в погребальный костер и сгорая заживо. Это было так респектабельно, что любая женщина, которая этого не делала, должна была подвергнуться большому осуждению. Она становилась почти отщепенцем; в ее собственной семье с ней обращались как со служанкой. Предполагалось, что, поскольку она не смогла умереть вместе со своим мужем, она не была ему предана.

Фактически, просто посмотрите на это под другим углом - ни один мужчина не прыгнул в погребальный костер своей жены! И никто не задавался вопросом: "Значит ли это, что ни один муж никогда не был предан своей жене?" Но это двойной стандарт общества. Один стандарт - для хозяина, владельца, собственника, и другой - для раба.

Любовь это опасный опыт, потому что тобой владеет что-то большее, чем ты сам. И это невозможно контролировать; ты не можешь вызвать любовь по заказу. Как только она уходит, нет способа ее вернуть. Все, что ты можешь сделать, это притворяться, быть лицемером.

Верность - это совершенно другое дело. Она производится твоим собственным умом, это не что-то из-за пределов тебя. Это воспитание в определенной культуре, точно как и все остальное воспитание. Ты начинаешь играть, и мало-помалу начинаешь верить в собственную игру. Преданность требует, чтобы ты всегда, в жизни или смерти, был предан человеку, хочет этого твое сердце или нет. Это психологический вид порабощения.

Любовь приносит свободу. Преданность приносит рабство. Только на поверхности они выглядят похожими; глубоко внутри они противоположны, диаметрально противоположны. Преданность это игра; тебя ей научили. Любовь дика; вся ее красота в дикости. Она приходит, как порыв ветра, с великим ароматом, наполняет твое сердце, и внезапно там, где была пустыня, - сад, полный цветов. Но ты не знаешь, откуда она приходит, и ты знаешь, что нет способа ее вызвать. Она приходит сама по себе и остается столько, сколько хочет существование. И точно как однажды она приходит, как незнакомец, как гость, внезапно однажды она уходит. Нет способа за нее уцепиться, нет способа ее удержать.

Общество не может зависеть от таких непредсказуемых, ненадежных переживаний. Оно хочет гарантий, надежности; поэтому оно совершенно удалило из жизни любовь и поставило на ее место брак. Брак знает только преданность, преданность мужу, и поскольку она формальна, она в твоих руках... но это ничто в сравнении с любовью, это даже не капля в океане того, что такое любовь.
Ошо( Книга - Близость. Доверие к себе и другому)

Osho on Tantra
The buddhist and the hindu Tantra are totally different things. Just the name is the same. If you are confused about them, that can create a very deep conflict in your body. Forget both, mm? because it will be difficult for you to come to a harmony between these two. I will give you a simple method.
Don’t be bothered about hindu and buddhist Tantra.While making love, three things have to be remembered. One is: before you make love, meditate.Never make love without meditating, otherwise the love will remain sexual. Before you meet the woman you should rise higher in your consciousness because then the meeting will happen on a higher plane. For at least forty minutes sit looking at the wall with just a very dim light on so that it gives a mysteriousness.
Sit silently and don’t move the body; remain like a statue. Then when you make love, the body will move, so give it another extreme of first being unmoving so the body gathers momentum to move deeply. Then the urge becomes so vibrating that the whole body, every fibre is ready to have a movement. Then only tantric orgasm is possible. You can have some music on… classical music will do; something that gives a very subtle rhythm to the body.
Make the breathing as slow as possible because when you make love the breathing will go deep and fast. So just go on slowing down, but don’t force it, otherwise it will go fast. Simply suggest that it slows down.
Both meditate together and when you are both feeling meditative, that is the moment to love. Then you will never feel tension and energy will be flowing. If you are not feeling meditative, don’t make love. If meditation is not happening that day, forget all about love.
People do simply the opposite. Almost always couples fight before they make love. They become angry, nag each other and bring all sorts of conflict — and then they make love. They fall very low in their consciousnesses, so of course love cannot be very satisfying. It will be frustrating and you will feel a tension.
The second thing is: when you are making love, before you start, worship the partner and let the partner worship you. So after meditation, worship. Face each other totally naked and worship each other, because Tantra cannot be between man and woman. It can only be between a god and a goddess. It is a gesture, but very significant. The whole attitude has to become sublime so that you disappear. Touch each other’s feet, put garlands of flowers there.
The man becomes transformed into Shiva and the woman is transformed into Shakti. Now your humanity is irrelevant, your form is irrelevant, your name is irrelevant; you are just pure energy.
Worship brings that energy into focus. And don’t pretend. The worship has to be true. It cannot be just a ritual, otherwise you will miss. Tantra is not a ritual. There is much ritual in it, but Tantra is not ritual.
You can repeat the ritual. You can bow down to her feet and touch them; that won’t help. Let it be a deeply meaningful gesture. Really look at her. She is no more your wife, no more your girlfriend, no more woman, no more body, but a configuration of energy. Let her first become divine, then make love to her. Then love will change its quality. It will become divine. That’s the whole methodology of Tantra.
Then in the third step you make love. But let your making love be more like a happening than like a making. The english expression ‘making love’ is ugly. How can you make love? It is not something like doing; it is not an action. It is a state. You can be in it but you cannot make it. You can move in it but you cannot do it. You can be loving but you cannot manipulate it. The whole western mind tries to manipulate everything.
Even if the western mind comes to find God someday, God will be in trouble. They will harness Him in some way or other, manipulate Him. They will put Him to some use, some utilitarian purpose.
Even love has become a sort of doing. No.
When you make love, be possessed. Move slowly, touch each other’s bodies; play with each other’s bodies. The body is like a musical instrument. Don’t be in a hurry. Let things grow. If you move slowly, suddenly both your energies will rise together, as if something has possessed you. It will happen instantly and simultaneously together. Then only Tantra is possible. Move now into love ….
Just feel energy descending on you and let that energy have its movement. Sometimes you will start shrieking, shriek. Sometimes you will start saying things, say. Sometimes only moans will be coming out, or some mudras, gestures; allow them. It is going to be a maddening thing, but one has to allow it. And don’t be afraid, because it is through your allowing that it is happening. The moment you want to stop it, it stops, so you are never beyond control.
And when gods make love it is almost wild. There are no rules, no regulations. One moves just on the spur of the moment. Nothing is taboo… nothing is inhibited. Whatsoever happens in that moment is beautiful and holy; whatsoever, I say, unconditionally. If you bring your mind into it you will destroy it completely. If you suddenly feel like sucking her finger and you say ‘What nonsense!’ then you have brought in the mind. You may feel like sucking her breast; nothing wrong in it.
Nobody knows what is going to happen. You are simply left in the divine vortex. It will take you, and it will take you wherever it wants. You are simply available, ready to move with it. You don’t direct it… you have simply become vehicles. Let energies meet in their own ways. The man should be dropped out of it — just pure energy. You will not be making love only through the genital organs; you will be making love through your whole body.
That’s the meaning of shivalingam: no face, no hands, no feet — just the phallic symbol. When Shiva made love he became just the phallus — the whole of his body. It is very beautiful… no face, nothing.
Everything has disappeared.
It is not that you are using your sexual organs only; the sex has spread all over. You head is as much a part of it as your feet. You have become a phallus. You are no more man; you are just energy. She is also no more a woman; just energy, a vulva. It is a very wild thing.
If you meditate before and then worship each other, there is no danger; everything will move rightly.
You will attain to a peak of orgasm that you have never known. Sometimes you will achieve it: a very great orgasm in which the whole body throbs and pulsates. By and by you reach a climax; again you come down. It will cleanse your whole being, the whole system. Sometimes there will be no ejaculation but orgasm will be there.
There are two types of orgasm: the peak orgasm and the valley orgasm. In the peak orgasm you will have an ejaculation and she will have also an ejaculation of some subtle energies. In the valley orgasm you will not have any ejaculation. It will be a passive orgasm… very silent, very subtle. The throb will be there but almost imperceptible. In the peak orgasm you will feel very very blissful. In the valley orgasm you will feel very very peaceful. And both are needed; both are two aspects of Tantra. Every peak has its valley, and every valley has its peak. A peak cannot exist without the valley nor vice versa.
[Osho said not to be too concerned about having an ejaculation. The western mind tends to be too concerned about it happening and feels that something is wrong when it doesn’t happen. The whole thing is to be totally in it and to leave things in the hands of God; it is His business. Your business is just to enjoy, delight, celebrate.]
And when it has happened and you have both achieved to a deep orgasm, don’t pull yourself out of her. After the orgasm, remain inside her and rest for a few moments. That rest is very very deep.
After an orgasm a rest is like a valley. You have reached to the very peak and now you have come back to the valley. It is very cool and shady and you rest.
And really much happens after the orgasm… the merging, the melting. Bodies are tired, exhausted, spent. The mind is shocked. It has almost been like an electric shock.
When you come out of your love state, again pray together; end with a prayer. The difference is that when you meditate, you meditate separately and she meditates separately, because meditation cannot be done together. Meditation is a lonely effort. It is not a relationship. So you may be meditating together but still you meditate alone; you are alone and she is alone.
Then you worship each other. That’s again different. The other becomes the object of worship.
Then you make love and you are completely lost. You are not yourself, she is not herself. Nobody knows who is who. All is lost in a whirlpool of energy. The polarity of man and woman is no more a polarity; boundaries merge, mingle. Sometimes you will feel like a woman and she will feel like a man. Sometimes she comes on top of you. Sometimes you become passive and she becomes active and the role changes. It is a great drama of energies. All is lost, abandoned. Then you come out of that innermost experience; pray together. That’s the fourth thing.
Just thank God. And never complain. Whatsoever happens is right. Don’t say ‘This has not happened. This should have happened.’ Who are we? He knows better. So just thank Him, whatsoever happens; thank Him with deep gratefulness. Bow down and put your head on the earth and remain there for a few moments in deep gratefulness.
Meditation is alone. In worship, the other is important, and in prayer you both pray to God. So these three things have to be involved. They will create the ecology in which Tantra happens. And once a week will do.
If you are moving in Tantra then no other love should be allowed otherwise it dissipates energy. But whenever you want to make love, make sure you have enough time. It should not be done in a hurry. It should not be like work. It is a game, play, and these energies are so subtle that if you are in a hurry, nothing happens. Tantra is not a fragment. You cannot practise it unless you create the situation. It is like a flower.
You have to sow the seed and take care of the plant and water it every day. You look to whether the sun is reaching it or not. You cannot bring the flower, but you can create the situation in which one day the flower comes and the bud opens.
So these three things are sowing the seed, caring for the plant, watering it and being continuously concerned about it; being careful, protecting it. Then one day suddenly — the flower of Tantra. It will happen.
Osho, Beloved of My Heart, Ch 17

"Так называемая духовность — только переодетый материализм.
Вам надо понять суть дела: духовен тот, у кого нет желаний; духовен тот, кто не вязнет в ловушках "я", духовен тот, кто не заботится о Кундалини, чакрах, шастрах, раскрытии тысячелепесткового лотоса, такой человек действительно духовен. Он необычен в своей обычности, он свят в своей повседневности.
Само разделение на материальное и духовное материалистично. Духовный человек не понимает никаких разделений, духовный человек просто принимает то, что есть, и это «есть» едино. Нет никакого материального и духовного, это опять разделение на "я";
все различия идут от "я". Когда "я" исчезает, исчезают все различия; есть реальность, неразложимая реальность. Назовите её духовной, назовите материальной — ничего не изменится, когда естьтолько одно,ему подойдёт любое имя.
Во имя духовности люди калечат, разрушают, парализуют себя. Есть даосская притча.
Мандарин провинции Лю отправился встречать перелётную птицу, появившуюся в окрестности, и препроводил её в парадный покой.
По этому поводу были зарезаны вол, овца и поросёнок, и в честь заморской птицы был устроен роскошный пир, на котором прекрасные музыканты играли музыку, сочинённую под наблюдением императора Жень, но птичка глядела на все это рассеяно, была понура и печальна, не отведала ни кусочка мяса, не пригубила ни из одного бокала. Так она умерла от голода через три дня. Мандарин кормил птичку так, как он кормил себя, он не понял, что с ней надо было обращаться как с птицей, а не как с императором.
Музыка мало значит для птицы, а вол, овца и поросёнок не годятся ей в пищу. Мандарин убил птицу.
Вы убиваете себя, стремясь к тому, для чего не созданы. Вы не дали себе возможности быть самим собой и стараетесь вести себя, как кто-то другой. Все учения навязывают вам нечто, чем вы должны стать. Дао говорит: «Ты — уже то, что надо, не нужно никем становиться; ты — уже то, что надо. Ты существуешь, и нет никакого становления. Ты — уже то, что надо, начни жить».
Смотрите, что за революционное благовестие. Не нужно улучшать себя, вы уже то, чем могли бы быть. Начните же наслаждаться этим, праздновать, жить. И чем больше вы празднуете, чем естественнее живёте, тем более вы начинаете чувствовать свою глубочайшую сердцевину. И в глубочайшей башей сердцевине — Дао — ваша природа, Путь.

"Friends, do not concern yourself with who I am; you will never know. I do not want you to accept anything I say. ... I do not desire popularity; I do not want your flattery, your following. Because I am in love with life, I do not want anything. ... What is of importance is the fact that you obey and allow your judgment to be perverted by the authority. Your judgment, your mind, your affection, your life are being perverted by things which have no value, and herein lies sorrow." –Krishnamurti

"Если какая-либо религия жива, то только благодаря суфизму. Суфизм — это любовное приключение с Богом, с запредельным, любовное приключение с целым. Суфий — это человек, который готов раствориться в целом, который готов пригласить целое, чтобы оно пришло в его сердце. Суфизму неведомы никакие формальности. Он не ограничен никакой догмой, доктриной, вероучением или церковью. Христос — суфий, как и Мухаммед. Кришна — суфий, равно как и Будда. Это первое, что мне хотелось, чтобы вы запомнили: суфизм — это сокровенная суть — так же как дзен, как хасидизм. Это лишь разные названия для одних и тех же отношений с Богом.

Эти отношения опасны. Они опасны из-за того, что чем ближе вы становитесь к Богу, тем больше вы исчезаете. А когда вы подходите по-настоящему близко, вас вообще нет. Это опасно, потому что это суицидально... но такое самоубийство прекрасно. Умереть в Боге — это единственный способ жить по-настоящему. Пока вы не умираете, до тех пор пока вы добровольно не умираете в любви, ваше существование очень посредственно, вы живете растительной жизнью, в вас нет никакого смысла. Никакая поэзия не расцветает в вашем сердце, никакой танец, никакой праздник, вы просто бредете на ощупь в темноте. Вы живете по минимуму, вас не переполняет экстаз.

Такое переполнение случается только тогда, когда вас нет. Вы сами — препятствие. Суфизм — это искусство удаления препятствий между вами и вами, между собой и собой — между частью и целым."

Ошо. "Суфии: Люди пути. Беседы о суфизме".