Monday 28 October 2019

God is described as the one supreme being, the unmanifest-manifested, the eternal verity, the conscious spirit pervading all forms that emanate from Him – He upholding all creation, but is immanent in every form.
God is nameless, absolute, but when He wished to become from one to many, His power came into expression. That power is known as Naam in the terms of the Masters. It is also known as Shabd, as Kalma, as Word, and other names. That power is the creator of all things, it is controlling all things.
God is an ocean of all consciousness. We are of the same essence as that of God: a drop of the ocean of all consciousness.
Sant Kirpal Singh
What is God, and how can we know Him?
"He is One, He is the First. He is all that is. His name is Truth. He is the Creator of all,
fearing naught striking fear in naught. His form on lands and waters is Eternity; the One Self-existent.
Through the grace of His true servant, continually repeat His Name. He was in the beginning; He is through all ages,
And He shall be the One who lives forever more."

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