Sunday 11 December 2022

The really unfortunate people

 "The really unfortunate people are those who don’t have any desire to know truth, who simply go on lingering for no reason at all. Whether they are alive or dead, it makes no difference to them. They have no passion in life. They are not searching for anything, and of course if you don’t search you will not find.

Those who search are going to be in continuous trouble and anguish and anxiety. The search can drive them mad... but it is worth it. Even if one goes mad for many lives then too the search cannot be stopped. It is worth any cost; at any cost it is not costly.

So go on meditating on it, go on brooding over it. Go on cherishing the idea, the desire, the passion. Water it, nourish it. It will take you into many troubles. It will not allow you a very comfortable life – no, not at all. It will never give you any security. It will not allow you to settle into any comfortable, worldly way, no. Wherever you are it will drive you into further search again and again. But this is good. All this turmoil and all this storm is good. After the storm is silence. So go happy, continue to meditate, and come back whenever you feel like it, mm? And wherever you are, work for me too! Good."

~ OSHO, Only Losers Can Win in This Game

CHAPTER 25 : Truth’s not a theory but a flower

28 October 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

OSHO Commune International, Pune, India

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