Monday 9 December 2019

“Don’t be worried. Even if you want to live, you will not be able to.”

Look at Vivek, who has been with me longest — for fifteen years.

When she first came, she was only twenty;
now she is thirty-five. Almost half of her life she has been with me.

And she has served me with an immense
devotion, love, care, such that you can only find in ancient stories about women, not in reality.

From the morning when I wake up, till at night when I go to sleep, she is running all around. She has no time of her own, every moment she is devoted.

Just to serve me is her joy.

Vivek, again and again, says to me,
“I don’t want to live a single moment when you are gone.”

And I say to her,
“Don’t be worried. Even if you want to live, you will not be able to.”

Just the other day, Deeksha was saying to Vivek,

“Once Osho is gone, I am gone.”

That is true.
~ Osho

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