Sunday 31 March 2013

Kirpal Singh- Leaving aside all thoughts of duality for we all are children of God

Man is what he thinks about all day long. One can only live one moment at a time. Emerson said, "There is no moment in eternity more important than this moment." All real good or evil that may befall him is from himself. If a man lives in a good or bad way in the real present, he will ensure the same in the future. If you have bad thoughts for others, you will harm not them only but yourself as well, as thoughts are very potent.
So try to live in the living present, forgetting the past and the future – and fill every moment of your life with simple trust in Him in all loving devotion. He will manifest in you when you choose and turn your face to Him.

We should consider all men our equals, irrespective of colour or creed. Just as in a class, boys of all sects and denominations sit together, play together, love each other and learn the same lessons from one and the same teacher, just so the whole world should be as one class. No distinction of caste or colour should be observed. The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man are the true essence of religion. All humanity are alike, no matter if they pose under the garb of Sikhs, Hindus, Mohammedans, Jews, Christians, Buddhists or the materialists.

Just learn to sit together in love, leaving aside all thoughts of duality for we all are children of God. Do we not worship one God who is God of all, though our modes of worship may be different according to the environments in which we are born and brought up? When we are already one on the common ground of Spirituality, like rosary beads of different designs and colours, then where is the scope for conflict?

The Gurbani tells us, "Let us get united in the Name of the Lord, for we are not apart from Him."

Kirpal Singh

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