Sunday, 31 March 2013

Osho - Whatever is in you – grief, pain, anger – you should be capable of releasing it into the vast sky; then you will be free from your suffering.

Book Title
The Voice of Silence
The Voice of Silence

After seven days he came back. He said, “What did you do to me? Just half an hour doesn’t satisfy me. Sometimes for an hour or an hour and a half I beat him, then I stick the knife into him; and I feel so good after that….” And he said, “There has been a new development in the past two days; now I feel sorry for my father. The hatred has disappeared and now I have begun to feel sorry for him.”

I said, “Keep it up for three weeks.”

In the third week he came and told me, “Forgive me, and allow me to go and put my head at my father’s feet and ask for his forgiveness. I don’t have any hatred left in my heart. And now I feel that it was not really my father’s fault, the circumstances were such…. Now I feel only pity, and I feel sad at the way I have treated my father for the last three weeks.”

When I asked him, he said, “After three days I didn’t see the pillow: my father took its place.” The projection was complete. That which could not be cured through a whole year of psychological treatment was made possible by creating a storm for three weeks.

The young man went back, and his father wrote to me saying, “Thank you so much for returning my son to me. No matter how much I may thank you, it won’t be enough. I never thought that my son would become so humble that he would put his head at my feet. This was beyond my imagining. I had accepted the fact that everything was over between us, and that it was not right for me to have anything to do with this child anymore.”

Whatever is in you – grief, pain, anger – you should be capable of releasing it into the vast sky; then you will be free from your suffering.

There is no need to take it out on other people. What do you achieve by taking it out on people? People are just like pegs to hang things on. When a big peg like the sky is available, why take it out on small pegs like people? As it is, everyone is so full of grief; why load more on them? As it is, your wife is being crushed and is dying; as it is your husband is collapsing. How much more grief do you want to pile on? Why add more fuel to the fire? This open sky is very big, and its heart is so big that it will never tire of taking on your burdens. Let your grief fly away into this vast expanse, and there will be no trace left of – it will vanish.

All things dissolve in the sky. You too will vanish; what to say of your grief? You were not here yesterday – you were born out of this sky. When you cease to be tomorrow, you will once again merge with the sky. Earths are born and are destroyed, suns blaze and burn out, stars are born and then disintegrate, universes come and go…the sky absorbs everything. Your grief is nothing. Give it to the sky and it will absorb it.

Create a storm and let your grief be carried away. And then you will get a glimpse of bliss. In the void, in the silence that will come after the storm, you will feel it constantly.

Book Title
The Voice of Silence
The Voice of Silence

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