There is no question of accepting two masters. It is not a question of masters, it is a question of surrender.
If you are surrendered to Christ, you are surrendered to me. If you are surrendered to me, you are surrendered to Christ, to Buddha, to Mahavira, to Krishna.
The question is of surrender. If you know how to surrender, then all the masters are one. Then you will find Christ in Buddha, and Buddha in Christ.
The surrendered heart becomes so deeply harmonious that it can see that Krishna and Christ are not different. Certainly their language is different – Krishna speaks Sanskrit, Christ speaks Aramaic. Certainly they use different metaphors, different parables. They are different fingers, but pointing to the same moon.
If you can see the moon, will you be worried about the fingers? If you can see the moon, will you be obsessed with the finger – whether the finger is that of Krishna or Christ or Buddha or Lao Tzu?
What does it matter? Once the moon is known, the fingers are forgotten. To become too obsessed with the finger is a state of pathology. The Hindu is ill, the Mohammedan is ill, the Christian is ill. They have become too fascinated, obsessed with the fingers.
There is only one moon, but it is reflected in a thousand and one lakes. Don’t become too attached to the reflection in the lakes, don’t become too attached to the lake. The lake has nothing to do with the moon; even if the lake disappears, the moon remains. The lake may become disturbed, the reflection may be lost, but the Moon is there.
~ Osho
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