Wednesday 3 April 2013

Lars Jensen - When the soul begins to awake from its deep slumber, no worldly forces can undo with the tears and yearning of the heart.

A million speak of love, yet how few know; true love is not to lose remembrance even for an instant.
 It can only be called love, if you yearn for the Lord in the same way as a man is yearning for air, when he is drowning and fighting for his life under the water. 
You can only be said to have a thirsty heart if you can drink the whole ocean and your lips will remain dry like a desert. *
Only such blessed soul will reach the highest goal of life.

When the soul begins to awake from its deep slumber, no worldly forces can undo with the tears and yearning of the heart.
 At that blessed moment the life takes a turning point and the search for the Lord starts. It is the Lord from within our own heart calling us back home.
 From that very moment the destination of the soul is fixed. 
The cry of the heart will not stop until the goal of the heart is reached and the union with the Lord is accomplished.

-- Lars Jensen, from, "With Cries from the Heart, the Search for a True Guru Begins"

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