Standing there, aloof, distant, not involved, by and by you will start feeling... The deeper your watchfulness becomes, the deeper your awareness becomes, and gaps start arising, intervals.In the beginning, these will be just rare moments, few and far in between.
But they will give you glimpses of what samadhi is.Now you are not a chooser. Now you don't have a fixed mind: you don't say, "I would like only the intervals."That is stupid -- because once you become attached to wanting only the intervals, you have decided again against thinking.
They happen, they cannot be brought.
They are spontaneous happenings.Don't try to manipulate and don't try to direct. Let thoughts move in total freedom.
Don't try to manipulate and don't try to direct. Let thoughts move in total freedom.
And then bigger intervals will be coming.You will be blessed with small satoris .
When the bigger gaps come, you will not only have clarity to see into the world -- with the bigger gaps you will have a new clarity arising -- you will be able to see into the inner world.With the first gaps you will see into the world: trees will be more green than they look right now. You will be surrounded by an infinite music -- the music of the spheres.
You will be suddenly in the presence of God -- ineffable, mysterious.It is a very loving way of witnessing the mind -- but, of course, one has to be very patient.And when you start enjoying those blissful moments, your capacity to retain them for longer periods arises.
Finally, eventually, one day, you become master.
No-mind is not against mind: no-mind is beyond mind.No-mind does not come by killing and destroying the mind: no-mind comes when you have understood the mind so totally that thinking is no longer needed -- your understanding has replaced it.
The deeper your watchfulness becomes, the deeper your awareness becomes,.....
Life exists in polarities and mind exists in one part of the polarity; that’s why mind is false..........................OSHO

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