Saturday 6 April 2013

OSHO - You simply are in a let-go. I will not create obstructions; I am no more. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Take possession of me, overwhelm me, flood me

Prayer is the greatest miracle in the world,
because prayer means trust, love, surrender.

Prayer is not just repeating a formula,
it is a pouring out of the heart.

To pray means to trust in miracles.

To pray means that things are possible
without your doing anything at all.

To pray means that you need not go anywhere
and all can come to you, wherever you are.

To pray means that the existence has not abandoned you;
you can still call it forth.

Prayer opens the door,
makes you receptive, feminine, a womb which can contain all.

Prayer means that you are ready to
allow god to do whatsoever he wants to do with you.

You simply are in a let-go.
You say:
I will not hinder,
I will not create obstructions;
I am no more.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
Take possession of me, overwhelm me, flood me.

Prayer means
” I am ready to accept you in the deepest core of my being,
I am open to you to my very heart.”


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