Saturday 6 April 2013

OSHO - If you become too exact about life, you start losing contact with life

Life is so mysterious that
you cannot reduce it to exact formulas.

If you reduce the mystery to a formula,
you are being violent to reality and
that will be unjust and unfair to life.

If you become too exact about life,
you start losing contact with life.

How can you be exact about the innocent eyes of a child?
How can you be exact about the beautiful form of a woman?
How can you be exact about the clouds in the sky,
and the rivers and the mountains and the star ?

You have to be as inexact as life is.
You have to be as volatile as life is.
You have to be continuously on the move!
Life is not a noun – -it is a verb.
You have to be as much of a verb as life is

Life is such a flux;
it is elusive, and mysterious.


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