Monday 1 April 2013

Osho - Yes, to find a soul mate is almost impossible - if left to nature itself, It is almost impossible. But in the East we have developed a science: If you cannot find a soulmate, you can create one. And that science is Tantra.

 Osho - Yes, to find a soul mate is almost impossible - if left to nature itself, It is almost impossible.

But in the East we have developed a science:
If you cannot find a soulmate, you can create one.
And that science is Tantra.

To find a soulmate means to find a person
With whom all your seven centers meet naturally.

That is impossible.
Once in a while,
A Krishna and a Radha,
A Shiva and a Shakti.
And when it happens, it is tremendously beautiful.
But it is like lightning -
which is a natural phenomenon, but undependable.

If you wait for your natural soulmate to meet with you,
It will be just like waiting for the lightning to read your bible.
And you will not be able to read much either.
For a moment it is there, 
and by the time you have opened the bible it is gone.

Hence Tantra was created.
Tantra is a scientific approach.
Tantra is alchemy:
It can transform your centers,
It can transform the other's centers.
It can create a rhythm and a harmony
Between you and your beloved.
That is the beauty of Tantra.

It is like bringing electricity into your house.
Then you can turn it on and off whenever you want.
And you can have a thousand and one uses of it:
It can cool your room, it can heat your room?
Then it is a miracle.

These seven centers or called chakras in you are nothing 
but centers of body electricity.
So when I am talking about lightning,
Don't think of it only as a symbol -
I mean it literally.

In your body there exists a subtle current of electricity,
Very subtle.

But the more subtle it is, the deeper it goes.
It is not very visible.
Scientists say that all the electricity
That is in your body, if put together,
Can be used to light a five-candle bulb.
It is not much, but qualitatively;
If it explodes, it has tremendous energy in it.

These seven centers, these seven charkas,
Yoga and Tantra have talked about down the ages,
Are nothing but five knots in your body electric current.
They can be changed, they can be rearranged.
They can be given a new shape, a new form.
Two lovers can be transformed so deeply,
That all their seven centers can start meeting.

Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary lovers
Into soulmates.

And that is the grandeur of Tantra.
It can transform the whole earth;
It can transform each couple into soulmates.
It has not yet been used;
It is one of the greatest treasures that is lying there,

The day, humanity uses it,
A new love will surround the earth;
The earth will become aglow with a new love.
Only the New Man can use it .

That's why I herald the New Man.
Only the New Man will accept his body in its totality.

The old man never accepted his body.
He was always fighting with his body,
Quarrelling with his body,
Trying to destroy his body.
The old man was suicidal;
The old man was schizophrenic.

The New man will have a wholeness to him.
He will be so tremendously in love with life
That he will want to come back again and again and again.
Only the New Man can transform these life energies centers.

That's what I am trying to do here.
It is offending the whole country -
Not only the whole country, but the whole world,
Because they have never heard of anything like this.
This is a great experiment.
On the success of this experiment much will depend.

If we can help people to grow into such depths of love 
that each couple becomes a Krishna-Radha,
that each couple becomes a Shiva-Shakti,
just think of the world,
how beautiful it can become.
The paradise will become pale before it.
This very earth can be the paradise.

But the science is subtle, 
and only those who are really ready to understand
without prejudices can understand it.
And the work is very delicate, mysterious.
Outsiders will never be able to understand what is going on;
They are bound to misunderstand it.

But this is what my intention is
In creating a commune, a Buddhafield -
Where I can transform each couple into Krishna Radha, 
where each couple can have that joy,
That cosmic joy, that cosmic orgasm,
That total ecstasy, when all the seven centers
Of man and woman meet and mingle
And disappear into each other.


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