Saturday 6 April 2013

OSHO - The greatest poverty of all is the absence of love.Everything divine is rooted in love.

I am not a way.

A way leads you somewhere,

it connects you with the ” there “,

and my whole effort is to bring you ” here “.

A way is there-oriented,

and I am here-oriented.

Always go with the river of life.

Never try to go against the current,

and never try to go faster than the river.

Just move in absolute relaxation,

so that each moment you are at home,

at ease, at peace with existence.

I can only say to you

that if you at any moment come to your inner flame,

don’t stop; share it unconditionally,

even to those who will not understand.

Perhaps today they may not understand, tomorrow they will;

perhaps not in this life, but in some other life the understanding is going to blossom.

Trust Existence.

As your silence grows;

your friendliness, your love grows;

your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy,

a celebration.

The greatest poverty of all

is the absence of love.

The man who has not developed the capacity to love

lives in a private hell of his own.

Make love more and more unconditional.

Love functions as earth functions for trees.

Everything divine is rooted in love.


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