Saturday 6 April 2013

OSHO -- The real means your experience, your own. Buddhas are of no help. They can just show the way, but you have to travel by your own feet and Insist on your own knowledge, your own experience

The real means your experience, your own. Buddhas are of no help. They can just show the way, but you have to travel by your own feet and Insist on your own knowledge, your own experience. Never be contented before that.

Those that desire to read shall read.
If you are very insistent on reading the ultimate laws, they will be opened unto you. The real Bible is not in the Bible, the real Koran is not in the Koran, the real Gita is not in the Gita. The real Bible or the Koran or the Gita is written in existence, in life itself. If you don’t believe in the scriptures, the real scriptures will be opened unto you.

Insist that ”I want to read in existence,” and the moment will be given to you. If you remain with your scriptures, you are living in a false world, you are living in words. Open the book of existence. Throw all scriptures so that the real scripture can be encountered.

Learning is difficult because learning means yielding, learning means surrendering, learning means becoming like a womb, becoming feminine, allowing the existence to enter in you.

Those that desire to read shall read
We also desire, but not to learn. We desire to collect more information. That’s not learning.You can carry words. Then you are carrying a dead weight. You will be burdened by it; you will not be freed. Words cannot free you. They may even imprison you, they may become fetters for you.

Whatsoever I am saying is not to be remembered.
It is to be experienced. If you experience it, it becomes your own. Then those words don’t belong to me anymore. Now that experience has become your own. Now you know something through your own eyes, now you feel something through your own heart. This is knowledge. And this gives certainty and this gives faith.


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