Saturday 6 April 2013

OSHO - Seven centers of your being

Chakras means a wheel.
The wheel needs energy;
once the energy comes in,
the wheel starts moving.
Then a great revolution happens in your being:

Energy is needed and always beautiful.
If you don’t know how to use it,
it will go on running astray.
The energy has to go higher.

The first three chakras belong to the body.
The next three chakras belong to the mind.
And the seventh chakra is beyond both.

Those first three chakras:
Muladhar , Swadhistan and Manipura
are earth-bound.

They are earthly chakras,
they are attracted by gravitation,
they are pulled downwards.

Without them, life will become impossible.
They are survival measures,
so nature has not given you a choice between them.
From the moment you are born,
those three chakras start functioning.
They go on functioning until you die.

Sex, money, power, prestige,
respectability, name, fame –
they all belong to those three chakras.

The centre of all those chakras is sex.
People seek money in order to seek sex.
People seek fame and power
and prestige in order to seek sex.
Sex remains the center of the lower three chakras.
Sex remains the center of the extrovert personality.
His whole mind revolves around sex.

The next three chakras:
Anahata , Visuddha and Ajna
are sky-bound.

These three consist of the mind.
Gravitation does not affect them.
They are under another law called levitation;
they are pulled upwards.

The people who repress the first three chakras
start living in the second three chakras.
They create a dream-world.

The anahata, heart chakars, is just in the middle.

The heart functions as a door; it is a bridge.
Just as sex is the center of the extrovert mind,
prayer — or call it meditation –
is the center of the introvert mind.

When a person is just in the middle,
on the fourth chakra, at the door –
love happens.
Love is between sex and prayer.

As you move more and more into the present,
inside you will come across seven lights –
what Hindu yoga calls seven Chakras,
Buddhist yoga calls seven lights, seven lamps.

As you become more and more
detached from the body,
detached from possessions,
uninterested in desires,
your energy starts moving upwards.

As the energy moves upwards,
if you know the key how to release it upwards,
as it moves from one center to another,
you feel so many transformations.

When the energy comes to the heart chakra,
to the center of the heart,
you become so full of love you become love.

When the energy comes to the third-eye center
you become consciousness, awareness.

When the energy comes to the last chakra, sahasrar,
you bloom, you flower,
your tree of life has come to a fulfillment:
you become a Buddha.

But the energy is the same.
Don’t condemn; don’t suppress.
Be more understanding, alert;
only then will you be able to enter in totality.


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